Far Horizons: Tales of Sci-Fi, Fantasy and Horror. Issue #17 August 2015 | Page 46

*** As Padraig started signing his second song, Phelan barged in throwing open the tent followed by Ceowulf’s squire. Padraig stuttered to a stop. Into the sudden silence Phelan’s voice was loud. “We have need for a Brehon. There is to be a duel to the death.” “I have friends here. I wouldn’t want them to run into trouble.” Blacky glanced at his companions then grinned widely. “She thinks we’re trouble.” Righty nodded. Padraig looked to Elise as soon as his father had caused him to stop. He saw a quick involuntary look pass across Elise’s face as she heard the news. It looked like fear. Lefty was in a fighting stance. “Can’t we just deal with her?” he asked. As Padraig walked down the steps off the stage, his father reached him before Donnal could, and Padraig noticed that Donnal was dragged away by his companions. Over Padraig’s shoulder he saw Cerridwen give him a thumbs up sign. Elise stood upon her chair, and her voice carried over the hubbub caused by Phelan’s announcement. “I call the competition to an end. I will announce the winner later, but first it appears I have Brehon duties to attend to.” *** The three scouts had spread out in the clearing. They carried short swords only, so as Andarta slowed, she was glad there wasn’t a bowman or a spear to meet her. They awaited ready. “Where are you going in such a hurry boys?” Her glance took in that the one in the middle was leader, the one on the right was a veteran, and the one on the left was looking to the other two nervously. “What’s it to you?” The one in the middle asked, she labelled him Blacky for his long, dark hair. Lefty looked nervous; Righty was placid, ready for anything. Andarta drew her sword. “Deal with this!” Blacky gestured with his chin, and his two warriors started to circle to her left and right. Andarta decided that Righty was definitely the most dangerous, and therefore the one to take first. She feinted left, causing Lefty to jump backwards, then launched herself at Righty with a furious set of moves. He moved sinuously through his defences and riposted, which caused Andarta to skip backwards. Lefty stood poised, looking for an opportunity, and Blacky calmly watched. Righty clicked his neck from one side to the other, rolled his shoulders, and advanced. She went on the offensive again. Overhand, stab, block, swipe. He countered, and she disengaged, breathing heavily. His expression had not changed, but his eyes flicked to over her shoulder and she ducked and rolled just in time to avoid Lefty’s clumsy sword thrust. As she came up her sword flicked out, Lefty was too slow to block and her sword met the flesh of his wrist instead of his sword. As his hand, still holding his sword, tumbled to the ground he stared at it in horror and looked almost grateful as her sword took him high in the chest. As he slid off it to slump to the ground, she saw that Blacky was unamused. He s