Far Horizons: Tales of Sci-Fi, Fantasy and Horror. Issue #17 August 2015 | Page 32

Lyra is a novelist, poet, playwright, and songwriter. Lyra currently lives in Florida with partner and spouse, Timothy Casey, and their two insane cats. Further information about Lyra’s stories, music and more can be found at www.lyrashanti.com. Shiva XIV is the story of Ayn, a boy who is destined to become the great messiah of his people in order to save their galaxy from disease and war. But can he do it, and should he? Is it even his true place? Ayn must decide, and choose before it’s too late! Book One begins with Ayn’s birth and follows him as he discovers the world outside the palace he was raised. A coming of age story amidst galactic turmoil, Book One has action, romance, mysticism, and magical creatures. Join Ayn and his friends as his journey to become a heroic legend unfolds! Available on paperback and Kindle at Amazon ( http://www.amazon.com/Shiva-XIV-1/ dp/069235638X )and at www.shivaxiv.com Cover by Julia Takagi 32