Far Horizons: Tales of Sci-Fi, Fantasy and Horror. Issue #12 March 2015 | Page 41

The Comb Daniel S. Liuzzi The air was damp and cool, as a breeze pushed through half naked branches making them discard their brightly coloured leaves. Inside the woods the air was damper and cooler, the colour wheel of the canopy swayed above as it partially blocked the light reaching the forest floor. A dirt hill overlooked piles of moss green rocks that dotted the embankment of a stream below. Paths cut into the woods lined by rock and fallen tree limbs to help keep those who walked upon them to find their way into and out of the forest. Chipmunks and squirrels darted up and down the slopes, the birds sang and a garter snake basked in what little sunlight penetrated to the forest floor. A man and his mastiff walked side by side on the nature trail on the fall morning. The man was a bachelor in his mid-thirties. When not working in an office he participated in triathlons, city wide marathons and tough mudder races. As much as he enjoyed the company of his friends, office buddies and female admirers he enjoyed none more than his trusted five year old Bull Mastiff, named Brute. On this day his routine was like any other day off - he woke up early to do some exercises from the “Intense” program, a two and a half mile jog and a walk with Brute in the woods. This had been the norm for a couple of years now. With his mastiff at his side the man walked along the path in the woods maintained by the town park officials. With Brute’s leash in hand the dog could sniff the air and ground of his own free will while the man used this walk as a form of meditation. As the two walked along, the wind picked up and blew through the tops of the tall trees, the sound of wildlife filled the air as if nature was reciting a mantra. The man checked his pulse as he looked at his fancy watch with its digital compass. He relived conversations he’d had yesterday: whether or not to take his car in for an oil change, should he call and make a dentist hygienist appointment, or should he try that protein shake his buddy told him about. As thoughts, ran through his mind like the marathons he took part in he caught a flash out of the corner of his eye. The man stopped, his mastiff walking a pace ahead of him before coming to a halt, the man looked for the source of the flash and saw something gleaming. Whatever it was, it lay off the trail about thirty feet into the woods. The man walked towards the object. Stepping on rotting branches and crushing small ferns on the way to the metallic shine. As the pair made their way closer the man could finally see what the source of the flash was. Lying next to a rock, as if just dropped carelessly, was a silver hair comb. His desire to know why it was there soon faded away at the sight of the ornate decoration. The comb was lightly curved with a row of eight teeth made for someone with fine hair. The comb had a subtle overall shape but with remarkable designs depicting vines and flowers. The etching seemed hand etched but done so finely that it would need to have been done by tiny hands. Given the craftsmanship it most likely came from the head of a bride who’d had wedding pictures taken of her in these woods recently. Bride or not, silver was silver and worth something, the man decided he would hang onto it till he figured out what to do. As he bent down to pick up the comb, Brute whined. The man snatched up the ornate comb, taking a closer look only to suddenly realize, the woods had fallen silent. As the mastiff continued to whine in distress the man looked around in disbelief, if not for his canine companion PAGE 41