Far Horizons: Tales of Sci-Fi, Fantasy and Horror. Issue #12 March 2015 | Page 28

You wish…“She won’t be your lab rat.” I told him, while an equal number of my dwarf soldiers rushed to my side to face the tall elf king. “I will take the girl and her faerie owner to my planet so that they are protected there. We must be attentive in case Gaia chooses to speak through this girl again in the future.” When Shenayalan saw that taking the girl was impossible he decided to challenge me. “And this is very noble of you… how can I be sure that you won’t study the girl for your own benefit?” The elf king and I were busy standing our ground and looking at each other with the distrust we had felt for generations when the human interrupted us. “I am to be returned to my mother on Earth.” The small girl spoke again in a trance as the faerie kings and all others looked at her. “I must… organize some things there and I can only do that the right way if I am on the planet I came from.” PAGE 28 Irvina looked at the girl with sadness. “But Chéri…” “You will put me back in my mother’s house and take away the changeling you left there. You will erase my mother’s memory of all the time she spent with the changeling and you will give her the memories of our time together instead. You will do that or all faeries will regret it.” After saying that the girl pointed her hand at a big decorative ornament hanging from the ceiling and set it on fire. Irvina had no other choice, but to return the human girl to her mother and to give the most precious of her memories away. Shenayalan announced he would keep observing the girl from afar. I also decided to keep a watch on the girl not only to prevent him from taking her away again from Earth, but also to know what would become of her. Now not only me, but all faeries suspected that on the seemingly peaceful blue planet lay a dormant power we should better not meddle with.