Far Horizons: Tales of Sci-Fi, Fantasy and Horror. Issue #11 February 2015 | Page 25
go handed him the shotgun she was carrying. “If these
don’t stop them at least they’ll slow them down.”
The windows were dark. They stopped on the other
side of the street. Margo turned to Jake: “Ready?”
“As ready as I’ll ever be.” Jake smiled. “Come on, let’s
stop stalling and rock-and-roll.”
time to miss a knife being thrown at her. She saw Jake
fighting a brawler demon, and a skinny male witch.
Margo grabbed the witch by the hair and slammed his
face against the counter, feeling his skull caving in and
blood and brain matter flowing through her fingers.
She then stabbed the demon, who was holding Jake in
a headlock, in the back.
“Phew that was tough. Is that all of them?” Jake turned
around talking quietly. The top floor was desolate.
Jake raised his shield up as a precaution. Turned out
to be a good idea when a shifter demon jumped up at
“Probably lots more downstairs, waiting to spring on
them five seconds later. He slammed into the shield
us. I hope you didn’t spend all your ammo.” Margo
head first. Jake walked up to him and kicked him in the
walked towards the basement door, but Jake tapped
head with all his might. A loud crack was heard.
her on the shoulder. He pulled out an enhanced grenade and motioned for her to start counting. At three
The door was easy to break, but as soon as they went
he pulled out the pin and Margo broke down the door.
in, a horde of demons and witches waiting in ambush
The resulting blast was followed by a fireball and a
attacked them. Margo started firing fireballs left and
shrill female voice cursing loudly. Jake jumped down,
right. It was strange, being in this form. Her aim was
raising his shield. Margo was right behind him, with
worsened because of her advanced senses, but it didn’t
enough room to fire a few blasts.
matter. Fireballs are able to have wide range. At least
she could hear over the noise and see over the flashes.
A female demon hit Jake in the leg with one of the
Someone was getting ready to jump her from the stairdarts from her wrists. Jake didn’t buckle nor was surway landing. She unsheathed her dagger and thrust it
prised the attack pierced his shield. There was bound
backwards. The dagger wound up in the chest of the
to be at least one demon in this place whose attacks
woman that answered the door all those months ago.
could get by the shield. He expanded it, knocking their
Margo pulled the dagger out, letting her fall on the
attackers on the ground. Margo fired several energy
floor and moved on. She had work to do.
balls in a row then jumped from the stairway with her
daggers out in the open. Jake needed room to maneuJake was a better shot. He was holding his shield up,
ver. He couldn’t exactly reach everyone from up there.
moving it around to fend off attacks while shooting. “I
really should get an offensive power!” he yelled.
The female demon had somehow survived and sprung
out. Margo was about to react when several shots were
“Don’t you have that already?” said a green skinned
heard and the girl slumped over. Jake jumped down:
Mantis demon, who tried to hit him over the head.
“She’ll resurrect in a while.”
Jake fully closed the shield around himself.
“Good burn, bad timing mate.” Jake expanded the
shield at a great speed, crushing the Mantis demon,
and several others straight in the wall, knocking the
living room furniture around. By that time Margo
was already at his side, firing off blasts at high speed.
“Kitchen! Now!”
Margo started clearing the room from stragglers,
walking backwards whilst Jake ran like an arrow to the
“Well, I have to say I’m surprised you got this far.” An
old woman stood in front of the Nexus, a swirl of lime
green energy coming out of the floor. A tall demon was
standing a little ways back. It was a fully grown Vuur,
smirking, with his arms crossed, like all of this was
amusing. It had similar lines as Margo, but coupled
with red skin and long thin horns that were grazing
the ceiling. He was enormous, easily over two meters,
which was on the short side for a Vuur.