How are activity ProPoints values calculated?
You earn activity ProPoints values for activity above and beyond regular daily activity based on your
weight, how much time you spend moving, and the intensity of your efforts. You can calculate activity
ProPoints values in a number of ways:
Use the charts in your Pocket Guide: Look for your weight, rounded up or down to the nearest
kilo. (People carry their weight when they move, and they burn kilojoules doing so. That’s why
people with different weights earn different activity ProPoints values for the same activity.) Look
for the amount of time you spend on the activity, and use the Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE)
chart to determine the level of intensity you’ve been exercising at.
2. In eTools or on the Weight Watchers Mobile Tracker app*, find the activity in the extensive database
listing, or create a new entry for the activity. Enter the time and intensity, and eTools will calculate
the number of activity ProPoints values you have earned.
3. Wear the ProPoints Pedometer** which can track activity ProPoints values for walking and almost
any form of exercise.
How do I swap activity ProPoints values for food ProPoints values?
It's an even swap — 1 activity ProPoints value = 1 food ProPoints value. In eTools*, you can choose how
you use your activity ProPoints values. In Settings you can choose which you want to have swapped out
first — your weekly ProPoints allowance or your earned activity ProPoints values.
If you’re going to swap and use earned activity ProPoints values, it must be done in the same week they
are earned; they don’t carry over to the following week.
How much should I be exercising?
Activity can help you lose weight and maintain your weight loss plus improve your overall health and
wellbeing. A good start goal is to earn 14 activity ProPoints values per week — just 2 a day. Over time,
we’ll encourage you to build up to 28-to-42 per week to reap the full health and weight maintenance
benefits of activity.
This weekly activity ProPoints goal is based on the current recommendation from the American
College of Sports Medicine of at least 30 minutes of moderate intensity exercise five days per week or
20 minutes of high-intensity exercise three days per week, to maintain health and reduce your risk for
chronic disease.
How should I get started exercising?
First, take the readiness quiz below. You may need to consult an exercise specialist such as a certified
personal trainer or exercise physiologist before doing high-intensity activity.
1. Has your doctor ever told you that you have a heart problem of any kind? Yes__ No__
2. Do you ever experience chest pain during physical activity? Yes__ No__
3. Do you have fainting spells or severe dizziness? Yes__ No__
4. Have you experienced any chest pain in the last month? Yes__ No__
5. Are any of your bones or joints aggravated by activity? Yes__ No__
6. Are you taking medication for high blood pressure or a heart condition? Yes__ No__
7. re you aware of any other physical problems that might influence your ability to become
active? Y