Daily ProPoints allowance for Young People
Age Girls
Adapting the Weight Watchers Plan for Young People
1. Get an adjusted Allowance from your Leader
You need a daily ProPoints allowance that takes into consideration the extra kilojoules needed for
growth and development, so we determine your budget differently than we do for adults.
We’ve developed the chart above, based on typical heights and weights of boys and girls at different
ages, to pinpoint your personal budget.
2. Adjust your Good Health Guidelines
The Good Health Guidelines (read about them in the 'Good Health Guidelines' section of your Pocket
Guide) help you be sure you’re meeting your body’s nutritional needs as you lose weight. Since you have
different nutritional needs than adults do, you’ll need to make an important adjustment: include 3 servings
of dairy products per day instead of 2.
3. Change up your eating and exercise routines
Take advantage of fresh fruits and vegetables for 0 ProPoints values. These foods supply loads of
nutrients without a lot of kilojoules.
Make a few simple choices to improve your diet. Replace soft drinks and juice with water and other
low kilojoule or diet beverages. Focus on wholegrains such as whole-wheat pasta, couscous and
quinoa to supply essential nutrients, including fibre. And choose small amounts of oils like canola oil
or olive oil, which supply important nutrients like vitamin E.
Always eat breakfast. It gets you off to a good start and will help curb your hunger throughout
the day.
Encourage family meals as much as possible. Families who eat together tend to eat more healthily
and weigh less than those who don’t.
Limit non-homework “screen time” — TV, computers, and video games — to two hours or less per day.
Start moving more. The consensus is that young people should be physically active for at least 60
minutes every day. All movement matters, from playing sport after school to riding a bike to the park.
Requirements for Young Members
We’re happy to have you join us in meetings, as long as:
You’re more than 10 years old. (Once you turn 17, you can follow the regular Weight Watchers Plan
with no modifications.)
Your parent or guardian provides a note from your doctor that gives you permission to join
Weight Watchers and includes an ultimate Goal weight. If the Goal weight is not included, you will
need to get one within one month of joining. (Because you’re still growing and may experience a
growth spurt, your Leader will ask you to have your doctor check your Goal weight at least every
six-to-nine months to make sure you don’t lose too much weight too fast.)
Your parent or guardian also signs the Enrolment Form at the time of your registration.
* vailable to Unlimited and eTools subscribers only. The Weight Watchers Mobile Tracker app is currently available on iPhone, iPod, iPad, and
Android devices. **Available for purchase in participating meeting locations.
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