Research has shown that long-term weight loss of 5-to-7 per cent can be achieved by most people
with diabetes through involvement in a Plan like ours, which includes eating smart, moving more, and
ongoing participation.2 Even that relatively small amount of weight loss has been shown to result in a
25 per cent reduced risk of death.3 So, losing weight with us is a good choice.
If you have diabetes, share the program materials with your doctor, accredited practising dietitian,
health care professional, or certified diabetes educator. He or she will help you adapt our plan to your
prescribed therapy and, of course, your health professional’s recommendations supersede anything
you receive as part of your Weight Watchers membership.
Many guidelines recommended for people with diabetes are easily incorporated into
our Plan:
Focus on foods with a low energy density — like Weight Watchers Filling & Healthy foods.
Keep carb intake consistent; experience-based estimation of carbohydrate intake has been shown
to be as effective as exchanges and carb-counting.4
3. minimise the impact sugar or alcohol can have on blood sugar levels, have them as part of a
regular meal. Current recommendations for the treatment of diabetes recognise that sugar can
be considered in total carbohydrate intake and that the moderate use of alcohol is acceptable.
Increase physical activity. The activity recommendations in the Weight Watchers Plan mirrors
guidelines for the treatment of diabetes. In fact, exercise improves insulin sensitivity.
Breastfeeding Mums
Before you begin trying to lose weight be sure your doctor or health care professional has given
you the go-ahead. Usually it's ok to start losing weight 6-to-8 weeks after the birth of your baby, but
recommendations might be different if you're breastfeeding more than one baby, you've noticed a
decrease in your milk supply, or you need or want to avoid specific supplements or foods. Discuss any
of the above exceptions with your doctor or health care professional for specific kilojoule and other
recommendations. Bring along the documentation your doctor provides you with for clearance to start
losing weight. When you're cleared to start losing, follow our special recommendations for
breastfeeding mums:
1. Adjust your daily ProPoints allowance
When your baby is exclusively breastfeeding, you'll add 14 ProPoints values per day to provide the extra
nutrients. Once your baby begins eating solid foods or you’re supplementing with formula, you'll only
need an additional 7 ProPoints values per day. When you're no longer breastfeeding, you wont need to
adjust your allowance.
Remember: In addition to your daily ProPoints allowance you have a weekly ProPoints allowance of 49. Use
all of your budget focusing on Weight Watchers Filling & Healthy foods.
2. Adjust your Good Health Guidelines
Increase the number of servings of milk products to 3 so you meet calcium, protein, and fluid needs.
Eat 2 serves of fruit and a minimum of 5 serves of vegies a day.
Bump up your servings of lean proteins, also Weight Watchers Filling & Healthy foods, to 3 per day.
This will help you preserve muscle mass and keep your milk supply constant.5
• in 3 teaspoons of healthy oils each day instead of 2. You and your baby need the vitamin E.
Maintain your liquid intake to at least 8 glasses per day. This will contribute to a good milk supply.
* vailable to Unlimited and eTools subscribers only. The Weight Watchers Mobile Tracker app is currently available on iPhone, iPod, iPad, and
Android devices. **Available for purchase in participating meeting locations.
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