Make desserts yourself !
By : Vanessa Aburto
ave you ever tried to make a delicious dessert ? If you have not because you think that it might taste bad , consider that it is not something difficult to do ,
you just have to be patient and follow carefully the instructions of a recipe . Recipes are ideal when people , especially women want to put something different on their tables , either for surprising their family or for their own delight . Even though , sometimes the attempt on doing something new is not a complete success , the opportunity of making new food is always open for anyone who wants to innovate in the kitchen . It does not matter if cooking is not “ your piece of cake ”, in this article , two recipes of desserts from Chile and Ireland will be given and if you want to challenge yourself try them and taste new flavors !
Chilean “ Calzones rotos ”
When translating these words into English , they literally mean “ torn underwear ”, and many times , it is a reason of giggling among kids when it is the first time they hear this term . In fact , they are named in this way because of their shape , moreover , there is a story that a breeze of wind blew up the skirt of a woman selling these traditional pastries in the town square , revealing her torn underwear .
Ingredients : � 2 cups of flour � 1 / 2 cup powdered sugar � 1 / 2 teaspoon of salt � 1 1 / 2 teaspoons of baking powder � 2 eggs � 1 egg yolk � 1 teaspoon of lemon or orange zest � 1 / 2 teaspoon of almond flavoring ( optional )
� 3 tablespoons of butter � 2 tablespoons of Pisco or other brandy � Vegetable oil for frying � Extra powdered sugar for dusting ( about 1 / 2 cup ).
Preparation Time : 25 minutes Cooking Time : 15 minutes Yield : About 15-20 pieces .