Student Name : Josefina Alvarez Career : 3rd year PEMI
Favorite Fashion Trends : Skirts , patterned tights and accesories .
Wearing a skirt during winter sometimes can leave you feeling more cold than chic , thats why choosing the right skirt , tights and accompanying accessories will leave you feeling both warm and fashion forward . A good option to keep from exposing your bare legs to the biting winter winds is wearing wool or nylon tights , which pairs well with some lace up shoes and a casual jacket .
Student Name : Pilar Rosales Career : 3rd year PEMI
Favorite Fashion Trend : Fabric scarves and woolen hats .
A long sleeve sweater dress is a fashionable option to keep your body warm during winter time . You can pair your sweater with a beautiful scarf . Fabric scarves rarely make the trend list themselves . However , they do now . The layered fabric creates a billowing effect that will add class to the everyday sweater .