PRIINCESZBABY: Why did you decide to be the Co-Owner of F.M.A.?
Bellablack14: I decided to become the Co-Owner of F.M.A. Because I saw your style and you seriousness is other agencys. I knew this group was not just a joke. I wanted to join you by your side and help you along the way with no matter what it was. I always loved helping people.
PRIINCESZBABY: Please could you tell us a bit about your Fantasy Models?
Bellablack14: Our models are wonderful, They are beautiful and very strong. They never let you down. If you ask them to do something they are on it. I see a wondeerful future in them.
PRIINCESZBABY: Do you have any advice for ladies out there that want to start modeling?
Bellablack14: Always remember you are perfect. No matter what anyone says. You want to model, try your best and NEVER give up. Always keep going.
PRIINCESZBABY: What do you find is the most important part of being an Editor/Photographer/Model?
Bellablack14: To take your time, never rush through things. If you do, it will never be done the right way
::::: Interview :::::