Fantastic short stories | Page 7

In 5 years Mark, Lucas and their father (astronaut) discovered a rocket to go to the new planet "Gliese 581g". But there was a problem. The rockets capacity was 10.000 people. The father of Mark and Lucas said that he wouldn't go to the new planet because he was very old. Mark and Lucas were worried about it. They wanted to try the rocket to see how it moved. They got into the rocket and moved. They arrived to the planet but there was a big problem. It wasn't "Gliese 581g". Actually, they landed onto a planet which is 75 light years from ours that is to say they arrived at the wrong planet, named "00500X".

They looked at planet "00500X" and they realized this planet was livable. They lived on this planet "00500X" for one week and planned to go back to our planet to get the 10.000 people. At the end of the week, they saw some figures which seemed human but they weren't human. Mark and Lucas were shocked because they were aliens...

The Aliens were approaching. Max and Lucas were wondering what they were going to do. The aliens began to speak but Max and Lucas did not understand what they said, so the aliens spoke less quickly. Max and Lucas understood what they said and told them their story. The aliens listened to their story and decided to help Max and Lucas. And indeed they offered to help them. Max and Lucas happily accepted.

Later, Max and lucas were back on earth thanks to the aliens and they sent a message to the world's population to say that planet "Gliese581g" was habitable and that they could go to this planet right away.

Written by : Mathias, Berke, Muhammet, Nathalie, Andrea, Hasan, Erine, Elena, Emilio, Wessale