P e o p l e i n t h e n e w s , c u r r e n t a f fa i r s a n d r e v i e w s
Summer 2016
Welcome to the 40th Anniversary edition
Legend (Homer, The Odyssey) has it that theatre
managers in Ancient Greece would tell auditioning
performers who claimed they had the hottest
routine in all the Peloponnese, that you’re only as
good as your last show, baby!
Well, maybe not that last bon mot. But as any
self-respecting oracle knows, your future is never
a completely closed book. There’s a divinity which
doth shape our ends, rough hew them how we will.
(Thanks, Will!)
But, truth to tell, there’s been no rough
lumberjacking on this, the third edition of our
groundbreaking Fanfare magazine, which won
plaudits across the University for the first two issues.
Students have excelled themselves. Again this
year, their collaborative brief was to incorporate real-life stories written on the Feature Writing module
into the framework of a real-time publication by
deploying the layout skills learned on the Design
for Print module.
The future is bright for all students who dared
weave this publication’s dazzling tapestry that rivals
even the stars. Which only goes to prove that even
Nostradamus would have hesitated to join the
swinish multitude’s raucous forebodings about the
death of print, etc, ad nauseam...
Vicky Tomopoulou,
Lecturer in Publication Design and Digital Media
Richard Adamson,
Sir Ray Tindle Lecturer in Journalism
page 28
2. NewsRound
Greening of Britain
60 million new trees
Planet of the Apps
The great iPhone takeover
Second silver hoard
New treasure found
Fracking hell near you
Buckingham not for shale
Tories’ toxic time bomb
Poll spending investigated
Catastrophe at Easter
Ireland’s defining myth
Whitesnake memories
Buckingham’s rock hero
8. Defender of a free press
Hellfire muckraker John Wilkes
page 12
10. Clash of the dreadnoughts
Imperial navies at war, Jutland 1916
12. Profile: Shailene Woodley
Hollywood’s oddball star on the rise
14. William Shakespeare
Genius of the upstart crow
18. Hound of Heaven on film
A Hollywood love affair
21. Vogue’s 100th birthday
Style bible mirrors changing times
24. Digital’s dark new dawn
Rise of the Terminators
26. Invasion chronicle Britain
One boy’s story of occupation
28. Tour de force
Brit Froome’s France Odyssey
page 14
31. Reviews
What’s hot, what’s cool, even
what (totally) sucks:
Blackass, Blood on Snow, London
has Fallen, Allegiant, Huntsman,
Dirty Grandpa, Spotlight, The Big
Short, Rihanna, Future, Sia
38. Profile: Imogen Poots
Zombie, bent cop, star-crossed lover
42. 1966 Revolution in the head
Year before the music died
44. The paradise of greens
Rio and the resurrection of golf
45. Afterthought
Nightmare on Pennsylvania Ave
The White House Trumped!
Written by: Samantha Adebayo, Khashiya Adegbite, Mithunya Appudurai, Noor Bahman, Rabiatu Bobboi, Zoe Briggs, Caspian Challis, Lisa Collins, Jason Dunn, Didi Frank, Cameron Hawtree,
Owen Hughes, Philip Josse, Olivia Marsden, Dan Morris, Tomi Olugbemi, Charlie Parry, Paul Rutland, Alex Shattock, Soma Taheir, Henry Thompson, Naomi Tukker
Designed by: Tobi Agbaje, Vilde Elgaaen, Laura Hughes, Owen Hughes, Dreka Mayham, Nicol Meazzini, Clare Morris, Paul Rutland, Nolan Smith, Ke Xu, Yizhi Zong
Printed by: TechnoVisual Interactive Media, School Lane, Buckingham, 01280 815161