Family & Life Magazine Issue 6 | Page 8

SLICE Thank GOD By Farhan Shah It’s GOOD The week before Easter Sunday is the holiest week of the year for Christians all over the world, who hold prayers to mark the death and subsequent resurrection of Jesus Christ. The week begins on Palm Sunday, seven days before Easter Sunday. Then, the days between Palm Sunday and Good Friday are known as Holy Monday, Holy Tuesday, Holy Wednesday and Holy Thursday. No surprises there. However, many people have wondered why Good Friday is named as such since that is the day Jesus allegedly dies. There are a few explanations for this. One of the most widely accepted is that the word “good” actually means holy or pious, as Jesus’s ultimate sacrifice showed his love for man. Another alternative clarification put forward by the Catholic Encyclopaedia is that the word “good” was corrupted from the German phrase Gottes Freitag, or God’s Friday, while others contend that the English term was adopted from another German phrase Gute Freitag, or Good Friday. IDAY GOTOEDRFRTING ES IN TRIVIA CO MM UN IST CU BA CE LE BR AT ES GO OD FR IDA Y pra ctis ing one for 201 2 was a sig nifi can t mil est mu nis t cou ntr y Chr isti ans in Cub a, as the com ida ys afte r the had can cel led all reli gio us hol r the for me r 195 9 rev olu tion . How eve r, afte to the cou ntr y and pop e Ben edi ct XVI pai d a visi t be rec ogn ise d, req ues ted for Goo d Fri day to d the req ues t to the Cub an gov ern me nt gra nte ent al nat ure of the “co mm em ora te the tra nsc end ern me nt dec lare d pop e’s visi t”. In 201 3, the gov y for the sec ond Goo d Fri day a nat ion al hol ida yea r in a row . MOMENTOUS GOOD FRIDAY EVENTS A BBC Radio newscaster went on air and famously announced: “Good evening. Today is Good Friday. There is no news.” Apparently, the media giants had judged that nothing newsworthy had occurred on that day. The station then played piano music for the news segment until regular scheduling took over. 18 April 1930 8 Family & Life • Mar 2014 Dr Denton Cooley became the first surgeon to controversially implant the world’s first artificial heart into Haskell Karp. The machine kept Karp alive for three days while he was waiting for a heart transplant, and although Karp died less than two days after receiving his new human heart, it opened the world to the possibilities of a fully-functioning artificial heart. The operation also sparked a long famous feud between Dr Cooley and his rival Dr Michael DeBakey, which was only resolved close to four decades later in 2007. 4 April 1969 IT’S AN EGGY EASTER! THE EASTER EGG ROLL AT THE WHITE HOUSE On Easter Sunday, children in America are invited to roll their eggs at the White House Lawn to celebrate the occasion. The event, which began in in 1878 during President Hayes’s administration, was the result of a few intrepid egg rollers who asked President Hayes whether it would be possible to roll their eggs on the South Lawn after they were banned from doing this activity at the Capitol due to the damage it caused. Initially, President Hayes was unaware of this activity and asked his staff about this tradition. After he was told about the Capitol ban, the President issued an official order that children would be welcomed to roll their eggs at the White House Lawn. An estimated 70,000 people linked arms to form a human chain between three nuclear weapons centres in Berkshire, England as part of an anti-nuclear demonstration. The unbroken human chain stretched for an incredible 21 kilometres along Kennet Valley. When the protesters finally broke the chain to go for a rally, the chairman of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament said: “It is a great victory, and especially a victory over the Government’s propaganda. We have defeated the Government today.” 1 April 1983