The Family & Life
Giant Festive Giveaway!
Ho! Ho! Ho! It’s great to be a Family & Life reader when Christmas rolls
around. With the festive season just around the corner, we’re giving away
massive, massive prizes to a few lucky readers and their families! Here’s
what you stand to win.
Tell me how to win!
Grand Prize
It’s very simple. Here’s what you
have to do:
1. Open your browser and point
it to
2. Register an account with us
3. Our friendly Internet gnomes
will give you a referral link
after you’ve successfully
4. Get as many as your friends
as possible to register
with us because the more
referrals you have, the
higher you climb on the
leader board
5. If you’re at the top of the
leader board at the end of
31 January 2013, you win the
grand prize!
Two-Night Cruise to Tioman or Malacca for you
and a partner in a Superior Ocean View Stateroom
on board SuperStar Gemini worth S$1,300
Simple enough? So, what are you
waiting for? Head on over to and
register today!
(4 family vouchers to be given away!)
(2 cruise packages to be given away!)
Second Prize
A Two-Night Stay with a partner at an Unlisted Collection:
Boutique Hotel of your choice worth up to S$800
Third Prize
S$80 MegaZip Adventure Park Dragon Voucher
Dec 2013/Jan 2014 • Family & Life