Starting Them Young
do this, our teachers act
as facilitators, guiding
the children through
Words Farhan Shah Photos The White House International classroom activities and
constantly engaging
They might be new but the folks at The White House
them in exploration,
International are making a huge impact with their
enquiry and critical
thinking processes. As
rigorous yet fun curriculum. We walk you through their
much as children need to learn
pedagogy together with the pre-school’s principal, the
their ABCs and numbers, laying a
incomparable Judy Ng.
foundation of critical thinking skills in
children is important.
Scraped knees and sun-kissed laughs
development. On top of English, we
are par for the course at The White
have interactive lessons for our second
Through our curriculum, children
House International, a new pre-school
language, Mandarin. We are proud to
are given opportunities to voice their
located within the heart of Bukit Timah
boast a low staff-child ratio that far
opinions, question, analyse and
that strongly believes in the power of
exceeds the requirements set by the
make findings so that they will be
outdoor play. The pre-school is led by
Early Childhood Development Agency.
confident and vocal. To ensure each
Miss Judy Ng, an experienced early
Most childcare centres in Singapore
childhood educator and the former
focus too much on academia and neglect child develops a reading lifestyle,
principal of Kinderland Kindergarten at
the importance of physical development. we regularly read to them in class
and expose them to a wide variety of
Choa Chu Kang, who has put together
In our centre, we emphasise outdoor
genres. In addition, we also have a
a learning journey for each child based
play – essential to instil a sense of
home reading programme, partnering
on the widely-acclaimed International
wellbeing in young children. An hour
with parents to instil reading habits and
Preschool Curriculum (IPC), ensuring
of daily outdoor play and exploration
encourage bonding between parents
that each and every one is ready for
develops them physically and heightens
and children. To inculcate responsibility
primary school. She shares with us her
their environmental awareness.
and social ethics, at mealtimes, children
thoughts behind the school’s curriculum.
are required to queue up and collect
How does the curriculum prepare a
their food, and clean their bowls and
What is the curriculum at The White
child not only for Primary One but
spoons. We also teach them to tidy their
House International like and how is it
life itself?
toys, push in their chairs, and keep their
different from other pre-schools?
In order to prepare our children to
cot beds.
We have a thematic curriculum. A
face challenges in the 21st century,
theme consists of activities centred on
we aim to develop each child to have
We set learning goals to make sure
seven concepts – language, science,
confidence and creativity, be a team
that the children reach age-appropriate
geography, social studies, creative
player with critical thinking skills,
development within their milestones
expression, music, and motor skills
and be responsible and decisive. To
at the end of each term. We believe
at the end of the ye