au Dining Delights
ate of
By Farhan Shah
Towards the end (or the BUENO TERRA
is to come with a purpose.
beginning, depending on To come to Bueno Terranters into its whitewashed
accidentally sau
where you are coming No one bungalow. Bueno Terra’s location is both
from) of Scotts Road lies a its blessing and its curse; a blessing for diners
row of rising restaurants who prefer not to be interrupted by unruly crowdsrs
the very same dine
in Singapore’s dining walking in and out, a curse for ance to sample the
to travel quite the dist
landscape that are still who have fare.
thankfully below the radar
of most families. Not for So, the question is: does the food live up to the
long though. physical journey?
For those short on time or long on
warm and
the answer is yes. The service was
ired, and the food
impeccable, the plating was insp
home was a
evoked fond memories of home, if
savoury truffles.
farmhouse in Sicily, Italy that grew
ut the interior of the
The first thing that strikes you abo
ch is long and narrow, as
restaurant is its peculiar layout, whi
to build a hallway instead
though the architect was planning
solved when I was told
but ran out of ink. The mystery was
e’s home.
that the building used to be someon
as many seats as possible
Fortunately, instead of cramming
forking tagliatelle into
into a space definitely not built for
manageable 24-seater
your mouth, the owners made it a
free to wiggle around
eatery so that your elbows would be
ample space on the tables.
and your wine glasses would have
ations may or may not be
Unfortunately, your dinner convers
Children too have little
overhead by the table next to yours.
be advised not to in any
space to run around but you would
cost an arm and a leg.
case. The dinnerware look like they
back of the restaurant
There is a private dining room at the
r family would like some
that can seat six, so if you and you
ne and you could wel