Stand Up
For Singapore
Products, News, Giveaways
& More!
years of independence, we’ve
ust like Singapore during her early
nine months,
the roller coaster ride in the past
been on quite
t to chase the stories that we know
slogging through the nigh
h journey but we’re always
would want to read. It’s been a toug
ement from our readers who
heartened by the words of encourag
in us from the
t we’ve put out and have believed
enjoy reading wha
them coming.
very beginning. Please keep
In Baey We Trust
Selfie maestro and politician Baey
Yam Keng like you’ve never seen
him before
e, and in keeping
issue to our readers and to Singapor
So, we dedicate our National Day
of the key moments in Singapore’s
lighted some
with the spirit of things, we’ve high
nt and maestro of selfies Baey
otten. Member of Parliame
(page 12) for those that have forg
thoughts and dreams
r as he shares with us his ideas,
Yam Keng graces this month’s cove
ll love seeing the other side of this
for and about the country. We think
politician (page 8).
visionaries in the
tivity in the country, we talk to two
rding design as
With the government’s push for crea
local – about their thoughts rega
and one
design scene – one international
and 16).
a career for our children (pages 15
of our life, so we’ve
the most important components
effects of
Of course, our children are perhaps
er to today’s parents, including the
that matt
ugh the
continued our coverage of issues
to getting your baby to sleep thro
and the science
media violence on kids (page 18)
night (page 21).
Dermal Therapy for
the fine people from Pampers and
We’re also glad to collaborate with
k it out on pages 21 and 31 respectiv
ucts! Chec
this month’s giveaways of great prod
free to drop us an
, opinions and more, please feel
If you have any questions, thoughts
will love to publish your views.
as we
email at [email protected]
that is coming.
as the long National Day weekend
We hope you enjoy this issue as well
Majulah Singapura!
10 This Story May Contain
Traces Of Nuts
A family business that transcends
three generations
12 Key Moments In
Singapore’s History
Brush up on your history with
NDP just around the corner!
14 Home Ideas
Looking to spruce up your nest?
We got just the thing for you!
15 Torsten Valeur
Happy reading!
The head of David Lewis Designers
on how to excel in creative fields
Managing Editor
Gerald Woon
16 Dennis Tay
Design maverick and founder of
Naiise treads a path less travelled
17 Cultivating Patience &
Gratefulness In Your Child
Banish that mentality of self-
entitlement from your child
21 The Science Of A Baby’s
Golden Sleep
Tips to make your infant sleep
through the night
22 The Pain Of Picky Eaters
How to get your kid to eat the
greens on the plate
18 Childhood Kombat
24 What Shoes Are Best For
It’s been proven: media violence
makes your child more...
20 Myths, Facts And One Case
Of Child Brain Injuries
A brain-injured child is no less
capable than a normal kid!
Children? Probably None
Are those shoes around your child’s
feet? Or walking traps?
25 The Grandstand
Explore the largest family-friendly
lifestyle destination in Bukit Timah
26 What’s Happening?
Upcoming events for you and your
entire family
27 Gulp Of Life
Blending vs juicing: we tell you
which is better!
28 Classic Penang Otah
A family recipe from an
esteemed Nyonya chef
29 Your Future Family-Favourite
Here’s the next restaurant you and
your family can visit
Family & Life