Family Day Program_2023_Print_V4 | Page 3


9 September 2023

DAY Family Day




1 Morrison Street , Hawthorn 3122


Morrison Street
Ra Bu
1 . Serve and Volley – Tennis Competition | Montgomery Courts
2 . Slam Dunk Basketball 1 . Slam Dunk Basketball
3 . 1858 Football – Longest Kick Competition 2 . Serve & Volley Club - Tennis Competition
4 . Snowsports & Koomerang Ski – Activities & food sales 3 . 1858 Football - Longest Kick Competition
5-7 . Library – Second Hand Book Store 4 . Snowsports & Koomerang Ski - Activities & food sales
7a . Old Scotch Athletics 5 . Scrum Rugby - Longest Kick Competition
8 . Cadets – Kiosk 6-8 . Library - Second Hand Book Store
9 . 9 .
Senior Cadets
School - Kiosk
Art Exhibition 10 . 10 . Music Senior – Tea School , Scones Art & Exhibition Chicken Sandwiches 11 . 11 . Scotch Music College – Teas Foundation , Scones and Chicken Sandwiches 12 . 12 . Cardinal OSCA Rowing / Foundation – Ergo Rowing - School Competition Merchandise / Prizes Sales 13 . 13 . Velo Cycling Cardinal – Rowing Test your - Ergo Cycling Rowing Time 14 . Senior Competition School – Cake / Prizes Stall 15 . 14 . Scrum Velo Rugby Cycling – Activities - Test your Cycling Time 16 . 15 . SPA – Senior Coffee School Stall + - Cake Van Stall 17 . 16 . OSCA SPA House - Coffee Stall 18 . 17 . Boarders OSCA Parents HouseAssociation – Pancakes 19 . 18 . Scout Boarders Parents Parents Association Association – Food - Sales Pancakes 20 . 19 . Pipes Scout & Drums Parents – BBQ Association - Food Sales
20 . Aquatics Pipes – & Drinks Drums - BBQ
21 . Entertainment Aquatic Drinks & Announcers 22 .
21 .
Design Entertainment
& Technology & Announcers
23 . 22 .
Touche Design
Fencing & Technology
– Demonstration
Exhibition 23 . Touche Fencing - Demonstration
24-35 . House Tents 24 -35. House Tents
36 . Chaplains Prayer Support 36 . Chaplains Prayer Support
37 . Discuss – COPSE Field 37 . COPSE
38 . Shot Put – Cricket Wickets 38 . Shot Put - Cricket Wickets
39 . Student Shelter ( incl Junior School Houses ) 39 . Athletics Equipment
40 . Junior School - BBQ
40 . Students ( incl Junior School Houses ) 41 . Junior School - Cakes & Coffee
42 . Sports Officials Marshalling Area 43 . Toilets 44 . Events & Maintenance Office
9 9
L 8
Careers and Chaplain Offices
Lithgow Centre
Glenn Centre
L 44
Cadet Kiosk
Sports First Aid
If in need of First Aid assistance , please go to the Sports First Aid Room behind the Green Grandstand
7 6 5 4 3 2
Mem Ha
12 L 13
Montgomery Courts