Family and Faith Magazine January 2015 | Page 28

STEWARDSHIP God’s GROUND RULES FOR MONEY By Cherryl Hanson Simpson, Family and Faith Magazine Writer T HE HOLY BIBLE SPEAKS TO US IN PRACTICAL TERMS ABOUT EVERYDAY SITUATIONS, and guides us on how to live in a way that is pleasing to God. We can also use this anointed guidebook to help us make wise decisions regarding our finances. As Proverbs 19:8 notes, “He who cherishes understanding prospers.” There are many references in the Bible to money matters and these are instrumental in pointing us to those important principles that can help us to achieve financial success. Let’s look at some of God’s fundamental rules that will allow us to manage our money more effectively. MAKE A BUDGET Be sure you know the condition of your flocks, give careful attention to your herds. reduce or eliminate expenses to allow you to save more. MANAGE YOUR DEBT - Proverbs 27:23 Many people struggle with managing their income because they are unaware of all the ways in which they need to, or choose to spend their money. They will often make snap spending decisions without knowing if they can truly afford the item, or if that money should have been used for another purpose. Creating a detailed budget can help you to be clear about all the different demands on your cash over the course of a year. Once you know how much it costs you and your family to live, then you can determine if you will have enough money, or if you need to trim your costs and generate more income. SAVE FROM YOUR INCOME The wise man saves for the future, but the foolish man spends whatever he gets. The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is a servant to the lender. A simple, but powerful wealth principle is that of putting aside some of your earnings into a savings vehicle. Your first savings goal should be to amass a security cushion of funds that can help you to recover in the event of an emergency such as a health crisis, job loss or natural disaster. The best way to attain your savings objectives is to take out some of your income before you start to spend it. In these times, you may find it harder to maintain your savings, but with God’s help you can assess your budget to see where you can 28 GIVE BACK TO GOD - Proverbs 22:7 If they are unable to make ends meet on their current income, some persons will decide to use debt, such as credit cards or payroll loans, to cover their expenses. Although these loans may seem like a quick fix to a budget shortfall, they will actually cause you to suffer increased financial hardships. The use of debt should be limited to situations where you are acquiring assets such as a house, or to expand a business, and must be controlled to ensure that you are able to manage the repayments. Always ask God to direct you in making the right decisions when it comes to borrowing money. SET SMART GOALS - Proverbs 21:20 Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed. – Proverbs 16:3 Another important tenet that will help you to make the most of managing your income is establishing goals for the future. Most persons who don’t have specific objectives for their money often find that they tend to spend impulsively on frivolous items, or make rash decisions with their cash. Before you set goals for yourself and your family, you should first prayerfully seek the Lord’s direction. Family and Faith Magazine | He will help to guide you in making the right choices, such as where you should live or what type of higher education to seek. Once you are enthusiastic about your goals, you will save more to attain them. | Honour the Lord with your wealth, with the firstfruits of all your crops. – Proverbs 3:9 Despite all the challenges you may be facing with increasing spending demands and limited income, there is one financial principle that y