Fall/Winter/Spring Guide 2023-2024 | Page 17

Good Libations

Visit the many breweries , vineyards and distilleries the state has to offer .
NORTH / CENTRAL THE GUILD Visit one ( or all three ) locations of this brewing cooperative with friends over a pint or two with light bites and good vibes . Pawtucket , Providence and Warren , theguildri . com
LONG LIVE BEERWORKS This brewery focuses on the taproom experience rather than wholesale brewing of IPAs , stouts and sours . Providence , longlivebeerworks . com
. 38 Linesider Brewing Company East Greenwich , linesiderbrewing . com
. 39 West Passage Brewing Co . North Kingstown , westpassagebrewing . com
. 40 Leyden Farm Vineyard and Winery West Greenwich , leydenfarm . com
. 41 Tilted Barn Brewery Exeter , tiltedbarnbrewery . com
. 42 WinterHawk Vineyards West Kingston , winterhawkvineyards . com
. 43 Shaidzon Beer Co . West Kingston , shaidzonbeer . com
. 44 Sons of Liberty Spirits Co . South Kingstown , drinksol . com
. 45 Whalers Brewing Company South Kingstown , whalers . com
. 46 Shepherd ’ s Run South Kingstown , shepherds . run
. 47 Grey Sail Brewing of Rhode Island Westerly , greysailbrewing . com
. 48 South County Distillers Westerly , southcountydistillers . com
. 49 Tapped Apple Cidery & Vineyard Westerly , tappedapple . com
. 50 Langworthy Farm Westerly , langworthyfarm . com
NARRAGANSETT BREWERY Narragansett Beer has finally returned to Rhode Island . Indulge in some creative takes and appreciate the Jaws homage covering the walls while enjoying the view over India Point Park and the Providence River . Providence , narragansettbeer . com
PROCLAMATION ALE COMPANY The kid- and dog-friendly atmosphere includes visits from food trucks , retro arcade games and a tasting room filled with art installations . Warwick , proclamationaleco . com
RAVENOUS BREWING CO . Former police officer and proud Latino Dorian Rave was the first to come up with the hoppy homage to Rhode Island coffee milk , the Coffee Milk Stout . Ravenous continues to pay tribute to the raven , a play on his last name and a nod to a ravenous bird that symbolizes the brewer ’ s thirst for knowledge and creativity . Cumberland , ravenousbrewing . com
REVIVAL BREWING COMPANY Here you ’ ll find beers that embody Rhode Island ’ s eccentricities , ranging from Belgian wheat ales to stouts to hoppy IPAs . Don ' t skip the Lost Valley Pizza , because what goes better with beer ? Providence , revivalbrewing . com
▼ APPONAUG BREWING COMPANY Apponaug Brewing Company boasts two outdoor patios and a ten-barrel brewhouse with a taproom along the Pawtuxet River . Warwick , apponaugbrewing . com
Ragged Island Brewing Co . in Portsmouth .
EAST BAY PIVOTAL BREWING CO . Grab a pint or flight at the bar and claim your spot at any of the colorful seating options . Poke through the dresser full of board games and pick one to play while sampling the latest brew . Bristol , pivotalbrewing . com
RAGGED ISLAND BREWING CO . Created by a group of friends who enjoy craft beer and the outdoors , you ’ ll find a mix of both at Ragged Island Brewing Co . Relax in a renovated farmhouse that offers a cozy and friendly atmosphere for sampling . Portsmouth , raggedislandbrewing . com
SIX PACK BREWING This two-barrel nanobrewery walks the dog-friendly walk . It ’ s named for a six pack of canines the owners here loved over the years , with brews named after each dog . Bristol , 6packbrewing . com
SOUTH COUNTY GREY SAIL BREWING Inspired by New England beaches and the gray sails that dot the horizon , Grey Sail is also home to South County Distillers . Westerly , greysailbrewing . com
TILTED BARN BREWERY Tilted Barn Brewery has come a long way since its initial launch as Ocean State Hops farm and then Tilted Barn tasting room in a century-old , charming , lopsided barn . The thirty-barrel brewhouse and tasting room has plenty of lawn space for exploring , outdoor seating and a patio that ’ s frequented by food trucks . Exeter , tiltedbarnbrewery . com
WHALERS BREWING COMPANY Founder Josh Dunlap decided to follow his passion by starting a brewery in 2011 . Now , he and his partner , Wesley Staschke , brew everything on site . Sample the award-winning Rise , an American pale ale with a bright citrus aroma . South Kingstown , whalers . com