he arrival of cooler,
shorter days is often
a precursor to winter
storms dominated by snowfall.
A snow-covered landscape can
make for an appealing image.
But heavy snowfall also makes
for extra work, especially for
drivers who must dig their
vehicles out of the snow after
each storm.
Some people live in suburban areas where they can
park their cars in driveways or
garages, while others live in
cities and have to park on the
street, where snow plows can
do a wonderful job of burying
vehicles underneath mounds
of snow. Rescuing a car or
truck from a pile of snow can
be tricky and time-consuming,
but there is a process that can
make the job easier.
∞ Begin by clearing out the
tail pipe of the car. This is a vital
first step because failure to do
so can back harmful carbon
monoxide gas and other fumes
into the car. Take the time to
clear out the rear of the car,
How to dig out
your car after a
especially worried about the
blades freezing to the glass.
∞ Use your shovel to carefully
remove as much snow as possible from around the tires. Be
careful not to puncture the tire
with a metal shovel. Try to create a tire path in the direction
you plan to move the vehicle.
including the taillights, so you
so take the time to clean such So if you will be backing out
will have improved visibility.
snow before driving.
of the driveway, clear the way
∞ When the exhaust pipe is
∞ Work from the top of
behind the car. If traction is a
clear, turn on the car. Some
the vehicle down. Otherwise, problem, use a bit of rock salt
people prefer to put the deyou will end up negating all or cat litter behind the tires to
froster on right away. Others
of your work by throwing
give them more grip. Slipping a
wait until the vehicle warms
fresh snow on the areas you car mat under the tires also can
up before doing so. Having
already cleared.
provide much-needed traction.
a warm car will melt some of
∞ By now the defrosters should
∞ Exercise caution if you
the accumulated ice and snow have kicked in sufficiently
are digging out a car on a
and make it easier for you to
enough to make it simple to
busy roadway. Make yourself
clear the car.
clear snow from the windshield
visible to other motorists and
∞ The right tools make fast- and rear window. Use some de- use traffic cones, if you have
er work of the task at hand.
icing windshield fluid to dislodge them, to keep drivers away
A shovel is a necessity, and a
wiper blades if they have frozen
from your vehicle. Do not
telescoping snow broom/ice
to the windshield. Some drivers
shovel the snow in the path of
scraper can be helpful. This
leave their wiper blades stand- oncoming vehicles.
allows you to safely push the
ing on end and away from
Shoveling out after a snowsnow off the roof of the car.
the windshield prior to a big
storm is a task few people enjoy.
Some regions fine drivers who storm to prevent them from
However, it is a necessity of the
do not remove snow from the freezing to the windshield.
season and one that can be
roofs or hoods of their cars,
Consider this trick if you’re
done safely and efficiently.
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