Fall Sale Cat. 2023 09 SEP Fall Web | Page 21

christian living

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Purposefooled Kelly Needham Reveals what it looks like to live a deeply meaningful life today instead of wearing ourselves out trying to reach the next big thing . ( HarperCollins Christian Publishing ) SC 9781400241613 $ 19.99 SALE $ 11.99
Traveling Light Eugene H . Peterson Is freedom possible ? Peterson issues a call to embrace freedom as evidenced in Paul ’ s letter to the Galatians . ( InterVarsity Press ) HC 9781514008201 $ 25.00
Free and Fully Alive Karrie Garcia A powerful reminder that it ’ s who you are not what you do that is the secret to living the abundant life God promises . ( HarperCollins Christian Publishing ) SC 9780310366447 $ 18.99 SALE $ 11.39
Sarah Young Over one million people have had their lives impacted by the encouraging words of missionary Sarah Young in this daily devotional .
HC 9781591451884 $ 16.99 SALE $ 10.19
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HC 9781400320332 $ 19.99 SALE $ 11.99
Deluxe 9780310637288 $ 26.99 SALE $ 16.19
Autumn Sale • 21