Icon Key
SHIELD-E Atlanto-Axial Instability ( AAI )
NSSRA requires AAI documentation from a physician for a participant with Down syndrome wishing to register in a program where this symbol is indicated . AAI requires precautions that may affect the safety of those with Down syndrome participating in certain programs .
BUS-ALT Transportation Information
NSSRA will communicate specific transportation details and pick up points before the program begins for programs with a transportation icon .
MONEY-BI Bring Spending Money
Programs with this symbol may request participants to carry spending money for food , beverages and souvenirs .
PHONE-AR Undetermined Drop Off Time
NSSRA may offer programs to destinations such as sporting events and shows for which the end time cannot be specifically determined . The group will stay until the conclusion of the event . Staff will phone each participant ’ s household at the conclusion of the event with specific drop off times .
High Risk Waiver
Programs with this symbol have higher risk than typical recreation programs and will require a waiver signed by the parent / guardian for participation .
🎧 Sensory Alert
This event may be overwhelming at certain points with excessive / loud noise , busy with a large number of people , tight areas to sit in , outdoor weather elements , etc . Please send your participant with any sensory items that they may need .
Fall 2024 ( 847 ) 509-9400 | nssra . org 9