League of Gamers
League of Gamers
Age : 7 - 21 Min / Max : 4 / 6 Location : Slotnick Center / NSSRA , Highland Park
Do you enjoy playing video games at home ? Then , you should join us in a small group setting as we explore the world of video gaming through the Nintendo Switch , Virtual Reality , and more ! Participants will work alongside their peers to accomplish tasks , build something , and express themselves creatively while playing their favorite video games .
Participants registering for this program must be able to follow game rules , use equipment safely , and transition with minimal assistance .
Goals :
s s s s
Increase social & emotional skills Enhance cognitive functioning Provide a positive sensory experience Improve problem-solving skills
Time : 4:30 - 5:30 pm Day : Thursday Dates : September 26 - November 21 No Program : October 3 Program Code / Fee : 442007-01 / $ 90
26 nssra . org / programs | ( 847 ) 509-9400 Youth Programs