Fall Program Guide | Page 21

SHIELD-E Fitness Fanatics
BUS-ALT SHIELD-E 🎧 Bright Star Theatre Company
SHIELD-E Fitness Fanatics
Age : 7 - 21 Min / Max : 6 / 12 Location : Northfield Community Center
Calling all fitness fanatics ! Each week , participants will engage in fitness instruction from yoga and meditation to strength training and cardio . This program consists of exploring fitness techniques to create a successful workout . Participants will also socialize with their peers while encouraged to adopt active lifestyles .
Goals :
s Engage in various fitness activities . s Increase strength , endurance , and flexibility . s Increase socialization opportunities .
Time : 5:00 - 6:00 pm Day : Monday Dates : September 23 - November 18 Program Code / Fee : 442001-01 / $ 123
BUS-ALT SHIELD-E 🎧 Bright Star Theatre Company
Age : 16 and up Min / Max : 8 / 12 Location : Northbrook Leisure Center
Embark on a unique journey with your fellow NSSRA thespians in a theatre program tailored for teens and adults with a passion for acting and performing . This is your chance to be part of a live stage production , guided by our dedicated Creative Companions and the experienced Northbrook Park District Theatre staff . You ' ll not only gain valuable insights into auditioning , character development , stage blocking and choreography , but also experience the thrill of performing with costumes , set pieces , sound effects and more , all of which will enhance your acting skills and boost your confidence on stage !
Tech Rehearsals : Monday , March 30 – Friday , April 4 from 4:30 pm – 6:30 pm
Show Dates : Saturday , April 5 at 6:30 pm and Sunday , April 6 at 2:00 pm ɢ
Step into the enchanting world of " Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs " with this year ' s captivating production .
Bright Star Creative Companions
We are seeking enthusiastic , compassionate and dedicated volunteers to assist actors with disabilities in a production of " Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs " Creative Companions are paired one-on-one with an actor , providing guidance with lines , stage direction , performance skills and more . This is an hourly commitment on Mondays each week from September - April , culminating in two performances .
For more information please contact Stephany Hoch at shoch @ nssra . org
Goals : s
Gain experience in a theatre setting and performing on stage in a live production .
s Increase social interaction with peers . s
Develop confidence through acting exercises and performance .
Time : 5:00 - 6:00 pm Day : Monday Dates : October 7 - April 6 No Program : December 16 , December 23 ,
December 30 , March 24 Program Code / Fee : 448001-01 / $ 450
Fall 2024 ( 847 ) 509-9400 | nssra . org 21