Transportation Information
Parent Information
Lunch , Snacks and Drinks
Camp Goals
Questions ?
Winter Break Camp : Camp Igloo
Registration for Camp Igloo begins July 29 at 9:00 am .
Transportation Information
Transportation will only be provided for field trips . All campers must arrive to camp and get picked up after camp by the family .
Parent Information
Parent letters will be mailed approximately three weeks to one month before the start of camp . The letter will include site details and calendar of events .
Lunch , Snacks and Drinks
Campers should bring a labeled lunch , snack and drink each day .
Camp Goals
To provide campers with recreation and leisure activities during winter break . Activities will focus on socialization , independence , motor development , leisure education and an overall sense of well-being through participation .
Registration Deadline : Friday , October 11 Location : TBD Age : 5 - 21 Camp Times : 9:00 am - 2:45 pm
Are you looking for some awesome icy adventures during your winter break ? Camp Igloo is the perfect mini-camp to fill the days while school is out . Campers will spend their winter break hours at our day camp with their friends and engage in various activities .
Activities will focus on independence , motor development , and developing an overall sense of well-being . Campers will enjoy sports , cooking , music , arts , crafts , and maybe even some snow time if the weather permits !
NEW THIS YEAR , can ' t attend the entire week ? Pick and choose with single day registration !
ɢ Campers should bring a sack lunch . ɢ
Camp location and times will be determined after registration . Possible locations include Takiff Center , Glencoe or Willow Park Field House , Glenview .
Camp Igloo may include outings , including highrisk activities such as ice skating . NSSRA will send a waiver home after the lottery .
Questions ?
Camp Questions may be directed to Erin White , Recreation Manager for Camps , at ( 847 ) 509-9400 x6830 or ewhite @ nssra . org
14 nssra . org / programs | ( 847 ) 509-9400 Winter Break Camp