BUS-ALT Taste of Italy
BUS-ALT Art & Appetites
BUS-ALT Fall Festivities
BUS-ALT Taste of Italy
Saturday , September 28 | 5:00 - 7:00 pm Alex ' s Washington Gardens , Highwood
Savor the rich flavors of Italy for our first special event of the season ! Gather your friends for an evening of delicious pasta , mouth-watering pizzas , and delightful conversation at a charming local Italian restaurant . It ' s a night of culinary indulgence and wonderful company you won ' t want to miss !
ɢ Dinner will be provided .
Age : 18 - 30 Program Code / Fee : 447001-61 / $ 76
BUS-ALT Art & Appetites
Sunday , October 6 | 11:00 am - 2:30 pm Milwaukee Art Museum
Embark on a cultural journey through the breathtaking galleries of the Milwaukee Art Museum , home to a stunning collection of art from around the world . After soaking in the beauty of the exhibits , indulge in a delicious lunch at Chipotle Mexican Grill . It ' s a day of art , culture , and culinary delights that will feed both your mind and your appetite !
ɢ The program fee includes museum admission and lunch .
Age : 21 and up Program Code / Fee : 447002-61 / $ 83
BUS-ALT Fall Festivities
Sunday , October 13 | 1:00 - 3:30 pm Heller Nature Center , Highland Park
Celebrate the beauty of fall by exploring the scenic trails of Heller Nature Center on a refreshing hike , taking in the vibrant colors of the season . Afterward , head back to the Slotnick Center for autumn-inspired activities , pumpkin carving , and delicious snacks . It ' s a perfect day to embrace the magic of fall with friends and nature !
Age : 7 - 21 Program Code / Fee : 447003-61 / $ 67
Fall 2024 ( 847 ) 509-9400 | nssra . org 11