Fall Newsletter MGJCL fall newsletter part | Page 6

hor oscopes ARIES LIBRA The full m oon light s up t he m oney and m at erial possessions in your life. Som eone, or an unusual sit uat ion, could lead t o an influx of cash or earning opport unit y. Resolve som et hing t hat has been annoying or worrying you. It m ay not be im port ant in t he long run, but it could feel t hat way now. You have m ore t han enough resources and lot s of m oral support . TAURUS Wat ch for love t o get deep and for rom ance t o get serious. A spect acular new love or rom ant ic int erest com es your way wit h t he new m oon. Be inundat ed wit h random act s of kindness and generosit y. GEM IN I Enjoy your personal space and privat e t im e. If feeling rest less or st ill t hinking of what else you should have or be doing, set all t hat aside and love your life here and now. Feel good about yourself. CAN CER The spot light is on your social life during t he full m oon. St ep int o a bigger, perhaps fast er social set . Don't feel shy or awkward. Let ot hers do t he crazy st uff if t hey like. Dance t o your own m usic, but dance. LEO Career opt ions and opport unit ies are blazing . Feel secure and solid in your t alent s, skills, and experience. Be brave if not bold. VIRGO If you're feeling lim it ed or const rained, break out and run free. You m ay not want t o do anyt hing ext rem e, but you have plent y of support and people cheering you on if you do. SCORPIO A rise in love and rom ance is highlight ed by t he full m oon. Get rom ant ic wit h som eone who already worships t he air you breat he. Don't let any socializing get t oo ext ravagant , because it m ight . SAGITTARIUS Healt h and happiness are spot light ed by t he full m oon on Novem ber 3. Take pleasure in t aking care of yourself. You m ay also have a friend or a pet who needs a lit t le ext ra pam pering. Pam per away! CAPRICORN Around t he full m oon, get creat ive and spruce up your hom e, wardrobe, or anyt hing else t hat you value and would like t o give a fresh look. Get daring and have som e wild and crazy fun wit h a lot of friends. AQUARIUS Fam ily or hom e life could t ug at your heart There m ay be good news at work t hat m akes t im e at hom e bet t er and bet t er. It 's so nice when hom e and work are not in fierce com pet it ion. PISCES Friends and neighbors are prom inent , in all t he best ways. Generosit y from afar m ay be shared wit h you and your best ies .Break out of your shell. All horoscopes from horoscope.com