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Olivia Cole - Torch Editor
Hi! I'm Olivia Cole, and I'm a junior at NCSSM in Durham, but I'm originally from Raleigh. I've been in JCL since 8th grade and love playing certamen and . I love that JCL is able to bring so many different people together with various interests related to the Classics. I'm so excited to be the Torch Editor this year and hope to meet more JCLers from across the state!
Katrina Hu -
Communications Coordinator
Salve! I'm a member of the Gallant Griffins chapter and a junior in Latin 3/4 at Enloe High School. I love the thrill of a good round of Certamen, and I even enjoy learning all this Ancient Roman history knowledge that I can't tell you when I'll ever need. It's amazing how JCL brings together old and new friends through a passion for the Classics (or Percy Jackson :)).