Fall Forum Edition | Page 3

Address from the President


Salvete Omnes! Welcome to Fall Forum: Zoom Edition!

Who would have imagined that we’d spend this weekend at home, looking at our screens, instead of at the beautiful campus of UNCG? I know that this year has been different and that we all long for the way things were seven months ago, but this year has given us the opportunity to create a unique start to our JCL season. This year at Fall Forum, you can take part in events that never would have been possible before. You can attend seminars being taught by SCLers in Ohio and play Among Us during lunch with someone on the other side of the state! After lunch, we will play trivia, with options for both the Certamen obsessed and the JCLer who just wants to guess how many National Conventions our State Chair, Bennett Henkel has attended (17). Not everything has to be different though, the officers will all still be leading their workshops (Join me for JCL 101) and you will still have the opportunity to participate in awesome spirit events.

This summer, I had the honor of meeting several of you at the first virtual National JCL Convention in history. I had a blast and learned that the way to enjoy an online event is to take advantage of every event, mixer, and seminar you can. Don’t sit back and watch the day fly by, meet your new JCL family, and make plans for the future of your time in the JCL. I encourage each and every one of you to learn some new names, submit to at least one of the three spirit events held throughout the day, and simply enjoy this time to spend with one another.

I can not wait to meet each and every one of you on November 14th. I hope you all have a wonderful Fall Forum, whether this is your first, third, or last, have fun, and share the JCL♥ve.


Your 2020-2021 NCJCL President,

Harper de Andrade