meeting of like minds
we ’ ve shown in the construction industry , these barriers and inequity actually limit all the additional business opportunities that could be realized by providing greater support to small business owners across multiple industries .
With HUB ’ s presence , we can start conversations about how to bring small businesses more into the mainstream in terms of how the insurance industry gives its consideration when it comes to assessing premium costs . Changing to a model that better supports the growth and success of small businesses makes a huge difference , especially when small businesses are competing in the public sector , when every dollar of added cost can make them noncompetitive and can lead to losing potential contracts . Again , their lost opportunities actually translate to lost market opportunities for providers of insurance and other products and services , so it ’ s a lose-lose when , by shifting the model , it could just as easily be a winwin .
Darren : That is why HUB ’ s whole business is based on renewal – that is a relationship that cannot be undermined by being cheap or taking advantage of our clients . It has to be a mutual give and take .
Ingrid : That concept also applies to our public entity sponsors . There are not many brokers who get to claim an uninterrupted public entity relationship for 27 years spanning multiple administrations . There is obviously something of value that we are helping them to achieve not just for their behalf , but also on behalf of the small businesses and other community members which they serve . Benefitting all the stakeholders involved allows us to maintain sustainable , long-term relationships . Working with HUB , we are already experiencing a lot of cross-pollination opportunities and identifying areas where we can apply to the work we ’ ve been engaged in for 27 years in order to have much more impact . It ’ s going to be exciting to see how much HUB ’ s resources help further expand what we bring to our programs and clients . And in turn , where our body of work can be of benefit to HUB and HUB ’ s clients , because this is a synergistic partnership .
CR : As you touched on Ingrid , in addition to being an advocate for public agencies to implement DEI efforts , MWIS has been able to help public agencies communicate to their constituents what they are doing on their constituents ’ behalf , which is again about building relationships and creating trust and a sense of accountability .
Ingrid : Because of the support and resources we provide , we operate as a kind of “ connective tissue ” or bridge between government , big business , and communities to change the reality of small business owners ’ experiences and ability to more fully participate in the economy through public contracting . It ’ s a pretty unique scenario . There are few instances where private business , government , community-based organizations