Fall 2022 | Page 21

[ I N D E P T H | G L O B A L C U S T O D I A N S ]
AUC / A end Q2 2022 ( trillions )
AUC / A end Q4 2021 ( trillions )
1 .
BNY Mellon
$ 43.0
$ 46.7
2 .
State Street
$ 38.2
$ 43.7
3 .
$ 36.4 *
$ 42.0 *
4 .
JP Morgan
$ 28.6 *
$ 33.2 *
5 .
$ 26,8 ***
$ 31.3 ***
6 .
$ 17.0 *
$ 19.2 *
7 .
$ 15.7 **
$ 15.7 **
8 .
BNP Paribas Securities Services
$ 13.9
$ 17.5
9 .
Northern Trust
$ 13.7
$ 16.3
10 .
$ 7.8 **
$ 7.8 **
11 .
Société Générale Securities Services
$ 5.0
$ 5.9
* Assets under custody ( excl administration ) ** AUC / A reported on an annual basis rather than quarterly *** Assets under Custody , Administration , and Trust Disclaimer : Global Custodian reached out to as many of the largest global custodians that it could to request AUC / A information and has made every effort to ensure this data is up-to-date through communication and quarterly reports . Some figures were converted to USD from local currencies , though every effort has been made to ensure consistency . trackers of custodian revenues and its data showed that overall income ( from custody , fund administration and other securities services ) declined two years in a row from FY2018-FY2020 , while a 2 % uptick in 2021 still left the industry ’ s total short of where it was at in 2018 – the best year on record . The data tracks the performance of the 12 largest banks , and performance is benchmarked against CRISIL Coalition ’ s Standard Product Taxonomy . The firm added in this year ’ s commentary , after highlighting growth in the early 2010s : “ Since 2018 , total annual revenue has effectively flat lined . Market volatility is persistent , interest rates are rising , inflation is causing asset reallocations , volumes in many asset classes are high , and equity markets are routinely moving several percentages points up and down in a single day . Though these attributes could bode well for securities servicers ’ financial wellbeing as they earn revenue
Fall 2022 globalcustodian . com 21