FALL 2022 Missouri Reader Published in October 2022 | Page 17





butterflies, then their interest may lead to the suggestion of informational texts such Nic Bishop’s Butterflies (2011) which has a glossary and photographs. Often media specialists and teachers use student interest to recommend texts to young students. Using a hybrid text, which is a familiar format, may help create a bridge to informational texts they may enjoy.


Hybrid Text Develops Text Flexibility.

We want young children to be able to approach various types of text and gain meaning from them.  However, we also know that students cannot approach all texts in the same manner. If teachers never use hybrid text to develop scientific knowledge, they will never ensure that students know how to appropriately engage with hybrid text in order to gain information. Reading hybrid text and understanding its structure is a skill that students need to develop.  


While clearly there are benefits to teaching with hybrid text, the next question is determining what can be done in the science classroom to ensure appropriate engagement with hybrid texts.  How can teachers ensure that the students are getting the most and learning from the text? The following section suggests several ways elementary teachers can do just that.


Using Hybrid Text Containing Scientific Information

Talk about Stance

            Ask students how they engage with a story versus their science textbook or a science website. Explain hybrid text may appear to be a story, but there are important facts the author includes in the narrative that can help expand their understanding of a science topic. Use hybrid texts as an opportunity to talk about stance. Readers take different stances when they engage with text. They either seek to become part of the story experience, aesthetically, or they engage efferently, to take away information (Rosenblatt, 1994). The ability to discuss stance and to talk about the differences between how readers engage with various texts is an important benefit of incorporating hybrid texts into the science classroom (Bintz & Ciecierski, 2017).

“Which Is It?” Activity

            Encourage students to compare and contrast hybrid, informational texts, and even fictional texts. Do very young students know if a text is hybrid? Divide the class into small groups. Provide each group of students with four or five texts. Ask them to sort the texts into three piles, fiction, hybrid, and informational. Have them put a sticky note on the text piles to label them. After students are done, have them share the books and which ones were in which piles. How did they decide whether or not a text was hybrid or informational? How did they know if a text was fictional or hybrid? Older students may even find their own texts to categorize.


Go on an Information Hunt

            Ask students to work in pairs to find information in a hybrid text on a scientific topic they are studying. Take notes on a chart of scientific information that they find in the texts. With younger students, the text could be read to the class and the entire class can contribute ideas. Talk about what students are able to learn from the text and then look at informational texts that might expand that knowledge on concepts discussed in the hybrid text.


Creative Book Covers

            As the class studies a scientific topic or unit, ask students to think about how they might incorporate the information into a hybrid text. What would the title be? What would the story line be about? Ask them to design a dust jacket. On the inside front flap, they can include a brief synopsis of the hybrid text that will grab a reader’s attention so they want to read the text, and on the inside of the back flap of the jacket they can include information about the author. Does the author have any credentials specific to the topic or use any websites for information that might be included? On the back cover, students may list informational texts that tie to the content of this hybrid text.  Students can even present a one-minute sales pitch for their text. This activity is another way to get students thinking about various texts and how hybrid texts differ from informational texts.


            Recent research examining hundreds of award-winning science trade books questions if any one type of text is unsuitable for science (May, Crip, Bingham, Schwartz, Pickens, Woodbridge, 2019). However, research also shows that children will not be able to learn scientific concepts without informational texts (Pappas, 2006). While informational texts in science are a necessity so that students become familiar with the text structure of texts often used by scientists, expand their knowledge, and build precise scientific vocabulary, there is a place for hybrid texts in the classroom. When teaching science, hybrid texts can supplement the use of informational texts to develop scientific understanding.


Through the use of hybrid texts, students will better understand how texts vary, and they will build text flexibility so that they can appropriately approach and gain information from diverse texts they encounter. The question is not if hybrid texts should play a role in the elementary science classroom but rather how educators can use both hybrid and informational texts to engage students in learning about the world around them.







and reading instruction. The pre-reading phase is a bridge to the second phase, during reading, which includes use of one or more related readings. A short list of suggested articles is included. The articles were selected to represent different viewpoints and usage of key terminology and concepts within the science of reading. During the final phase, after reading, teachers engage in conversations about key terms and concepts encountered within the articles in order to define, redefine, and build upon their existing knowledge. This introductory SOR and dyslexia PL is intended to set the stage for continued conversations, further study, and professional reflections on current practices for classroom teachers and school leaders. The following instructions are intended as suggestions and can be modified as appropriate.


Pre-Reading Activity (adapted from Allen, 2007)

Divide teachers into small groups or pairs.  Provide each group with a blank copy of the below graphic organizer (see Figure 1 below) to determine prior knowledge about the SOR and the related dyslexia movement.  Instruct participants to circle three to five letters of your choice (i.e., B, M, P, and S).  Ask them to record in each box an example of at least one key term or concept that begins with the same letter for each of the circled letters that they know, read or heard is associated with the SOR and the current dyslexia legislation. For example, participants might list Balanced Literacy for B, MRI brain scans for M, phonics for P, or structured literacy for S. Some participants may have limited existing background knowledge or may be unable to list any accurate or related examples at the pre-reading phase, and that is acceptable.


Next, have participants share within their group a definition or comment on what they know about each of the words they listed on their graphic organizer. Call on a representative from each group to share with all participants one of the words their group listed that is different from what other groups have already shared. Use chart paper with each letter in the alphabet listed from top to bottom to record the terms provided by the various groups. A sample list of possible terms participants may share is included (see Figure 2 on next page). 
