Is it dangerous to develop the AI further ?
by Alek Oliinyk
Development of artificial intelligence is seen as a promising field by many ; but , is it really worth it , considering the risks ? People always want to make work easier for them , no matter the field . So , naturally , they strive to create something that would perform the work for them . At first glance , developing artificial intelligence and making it widespread seems like a wonderful idea to many . Then , everyone ’ s lives would be easier , as compared to humans , AI makes less errors , can perform precise work more easily , and is available at any time . But , upon a closer look , it is clear that AI can be dangerous for health , people ’ s incomes , and the entire human race .
First , implementing the artificial intelligence into everyday life will make people lazy . If the AI will be used by common people to perform everyday tasks , such as driving , doing the laundry , cooking , throwing out the garbage , cleaning , and answering questions , then the people will become used to having everything done for them . Due to this , some may become so lazy that they would not even bother to stand up to turn the lights off , and make the AI do it instead . According to MedlinePlus , inactive lifestyle can lead to numerous negative health conditions , including obesity , anxiety , depression , heart diseases , and strokes . Therefore , if artificial intelligence will be widely used , it will likely cause health problems in many . as AI will take many people ’ s jobs . Since artificial intelligence does not make as many errors as humans and does not get tired , many companies would make more money if they replaced most of their workers with artificial intelligence . If they did that , thousands of people would be left without jobs , and thus without any money .
Third , if the artificial intelligence develops further to the point where it can make its own logical decisions and has the access to weapons , it may try to destroy all humans , in attempt to perform its job more efficiently . Although currently the AI is not even close to being this developed , nevertheless scientists at University of Oxford recently published a paper where they claim that this scenario is very likely if the AI is not developed carefully .
In the end , artificial intelligence may be found useful for helping scientists to perform calculations , but incorporating it into everyday lives of each person will almost certainly cause many problems in the society , including laziness , unemployment , and complete death of humanity .
Second , the AI will replace people ’ s jobs , leaving many unemployed . According to The World Intelligence Congress , “ AI , virtual personal assistants , and chatbots will replace almost 69 % of [ a ] manager ’ s workload .” Although this may seem like a benefit because less work will need to be done to progress , this is actually a huge problem ,