Is Life Easier If You ’ re Beautiful ? by Taylor Kim
What do you think definition of beauty is ? Well , we cannot yet judge the exact definition of beauty . However , even if the beauty that each person feels is different , in conclusion , people typically define a perfectly symmetrical face as beautiful . Modern standards seem to usually find some beautiful when he or she has clean skin , a small face , a pointed chin , round eyes , a high nose , shiny lips , and all of this in harmony .
Because of this , aesthetically pleasing is virtually always the first place when it comes to these standards . Needless to say , many people are making illustrious career success thanks to their appearance . I asked my friend Alicia Kim and teacher Raf Lee for their opinions on this topic .
Alicia Kim argued that if people see an externally attractive person when they walk around the street or go to a coffee shop , they will instinctively keep looking at them . In particular , if there is an attractive employee in a coffee shop , that coffee shop may make a strong impression on some people . She said people would continue to come to the coffee shop to see the employee , which would boost the store ’ s sales . Therefore , we can see that hiring attractive people is better for the boss , especially in jobs where people interact face to face .
Mr . Raf said most handsome and pretty people know that they are outstanding in appearance . There is always a great of confidence in those people ’ s actions . They can have a good relationship with other people just by their attractive looks , but those people are also full of confidence and self-esteem , which is good for creating active relationships with others . Therefore , many people envy and like people who are attractive and confident with their appearances . On the other hand , because of their high self-esteem , they sometimes ignore others and become selfish since they feel that only they should receive attention . Therefore , he said that having an attractive appearance is not necessarily good .
To conclude , an attractive appearance often works well . But if it is too much , it can have a harmful effect . Therefore , I think appearance and life can be made easy , but having a humble attitude is also important .