Back it up
Consider system backup procedures . A system crash , fire , water damage , or any other event resulting in lost data sets the stage for not just one possible malpractice action , but several .
DO YOU NEED an expert investigator ? Investigative assistance ?
A digital practice can be a reality with proper planning and the right policies and procedures .
This column originally appeared in the December 2021 issue of the “ Michigan Bar Journal .” Reprinted with the permission of the State Bar of Michigan .
JoAnn L . Hathaway is a practice management advisor for the State Bar of Michigan .
Malpractice and Professional DISCIPLINARY DEFENSE
FRANCIS W . GASPER , founder of Gasper Investigations , LLC is an award winning retired FBI Agent , attorney and licensed private investigator located in North Dakota , who specializes in working with attorneys to prepare and engage in complex litigation ; clients include corporations and banks addressing fraud , employee malfeasance as well as background reviews .
RONALD H . M�LEAN rmclean @ serklandlaw . com
PETER W . ZUGER pzuger @ serklandlaw . com
Experienced in defending lawyers with disciplinary complaints and malpractice actions .
701-232-8957 • serklandlaw . com Fax : 701-237-4049 • 10 Roberts St . N ., PO Box 6017 , Fargo ND 58108-6017
• Comprehensive research
• Reviewing large amounts of financial records and data
• Identifying , locating , and interviewing witnesses
• Gathering and summarizing admissible documentary evidence
• Asset searches
Francis W . Gasper Gasperinvestigations . com frank @ gasperinvestigations . com ( 914 ) 584-2225
Private Investigator ND # 588 , MN # 2321 , IL # 115002658 , NY # 1100221129 , Member of NY Bar
FALL 2022 13