Fall 2022 Gavel | Page 11

GOING DIGITAL : A Law Firm Road Map

By JoAnn L . Hathaway
Law firms are drowning in paper . Members of the legal profession generate a lot of physical documents and accumulate even more . While many might argue , and rightfully so , that a totally digital law firm is wishful thinking , it is certainly possible to be less reliant on paper .
When the sudden onset of COVID-19 forced firms into remote working scenarios , many had to cobble together hardware , software , and communications processes without much planning or training . Because firm members worked from numerous remote locations , many adopted a less-paper strategy . Now that things are somewhat returning to normal , many firms are realizing their digital processes need refining or , for some , a total overhaul .
Benefits of Going Digital
Once firms take the leap to go digital , typically the only regret is that they didn ’ t do so sooner . What follows are some of the numerous benefits of going digital .
Lower expenses
Lowering costs is a huge benefit of going digital . It ’ s also a persuasive talking point when seeking buy-in from partners and support staff . Who doesn ’ t want to save money ?
Going digital means buying less paper . It saves on printer and copier costs ( less wear and tear , less toner ). It also preserves staff time – no longer do people have to stand in front of the copier tediously duplicating documents .
Many firms keep client documents in manila or red-rope folders . Maintaining files digitally alleviates ( or greatly reduces ) the need to maintain a stock of costly folders . Another huge benefit of going digital is the reduced expense for file storage .
Increased revenue
Imagine how much time you could save – and could bill instead – if you didn ’ t have to physically locate , review , and organize client files . Historically , when a client called , you told them you needed to pull their file and call them back , resulting in 15 minutes of administrative time that could have been billed . If you billed 15 minutes each day at $ 300 per hour , that ’ s an additional $ 19,500 per year in income . Now imagine you saved ( and therefore billed )
15 minutes each from two phone calls per day ; that ’ s an annual income increase of $ 39,000 .
More efficiency
Having your files at your fingertips enables you to be much more efficient than you would be dealing with paper files . Eliminating the need to get up from your workspace and search for files saves precious time throughout the day . A digital office enables you to access your documents from anywhere , and it minimizes the risk of losing documents , which is more likely with physical files .
Better client service
Digital files mean quick access to client information . That instant access impresses clients , giving them the security and confidence that you are up to speed on their matter .
Getting Started
Getting a commitment from your team to move toward digital files is the key to starting your journey . To prepare for getting this commitment , you must first understand the steps needed to create your digital environment .
Define goals
Goals should be specific and measurable . Do you want to eliminate client files altogether or just minimize paper use ? Regardless , you must clearly identify what you hope to accomplish .
Analyze workflows
Once you have a sense of what you hope to achieve as you pursue your digital practice , determine how to get where you want to go . Review and analyze your current processes and workflows . How could you do things differently ? Which areas need improvement ? Which processes could be more efficient ?
Involve your staff
You need your entire team to be involved . It ’ s no secret that when people have ownership in a change , they are much more likely to push for a successful outcome compared to when they are merely told what to do .
Your staff has valuable insight into what works and what doesn ’ t . Encourage their input at every step of the planning process .
FALL 2022 11