Fall 2022 Catalog - USA | Page 44

“ Initially I was thankful for Norwex because it meant my youngest could crawl around safely on our hardwood floors . But I quickly realized the gift of teaching others about these safe and effective products , and allowing them to purchase or become a Consultant themselves was life-changing . The Mop System is a must-have for every home . It does a much better job than traditional options , and it ’ s saved us so much money . Win-win for this busy mom when I can save time , energy and money with one product !”
Monica Kinton Vice President Sales Leader , NC Creating Safe Havens for 7 years

See page 16 . love Norwex ? tell your friends !

Hosting a Norwex ® Party online , at home , wherever you like is a fast , fun and easy way to help friends and family create healthier homes as you earn FREE Norwex products !
“ Norwex has forever changed my life . Not only do I get to make a difference in my life with the products and the business opportunity , but I also get to help make a difference in other families ’ lives . My favorite Norwex Microfiber product is the Counter Cloths because they save so much money by eliminating the need to purchase paper towels . Plus they make cleaning up after two toddlers quick , easy and safe !”
Andrea Peterson Senior Executive Sales Leader , IA Creating Safe Havens for 8 years
See page 33 .
“ Norwex has meant friendships and mentors gained , extra income , confidence to do things I never thought possible , but most importantly to educate people about reducing chemicals . It ’ s my passion to share what I ’ ve learned and then help people make changes . The Body and Face Pack has been a game-changer and helped me drastically reduce the toxins I was previously putting on my skin . It , along with all our Lysere™ products , has given me softer , more hydrated and healthier-looking skin than ever before .”
“ I am grateful Norwex has given me the flexibility to be a wife , mom , volunteer in my daughters ’ school , our church and community , all while educating on sustainable products and a Mission I ’ m so passionate about . I use the Pet Towel and Pet Mitt daily . My dog and I go out in all kinds of weather to hike , run or walk . The towel
dries him quickly , and I love the Pet Mitt to wipe his paws . My floors stay much cleaner ; I wouldn ’ t want to have a dog without these two products !”
Jennifer Shue Executive Vice President Sales Leader , OH Creating Safe Havens for 11 years
See page 69 .
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“ I didn ’ t realize when I started Norwex how deeply I would fall in love with it , and how much it would transform my family . I ’ m so happy to see our kids now as adults embracing sustainability , reading labels and reducing chemicals in their homes , too . I ’ m allergic to many brands of laundry detergents but never knew why I was reacting . Now I know better ! I ’ m so glad that Norwex Ultra
Power Plus™ Laundry Detergent and Fluff and Tumble Dryer Balls were available when my kids were growing up . I can share them with others so they don ’ t go through the learning curve I did .”
Melissa Tomas Executive Vice President Sales Leader , MN Creating Safe Havens for 12 years
Crystal Couch Senior Executive Sales Leader , AL Creating Safe Havens for 4 years
See page 60 .
See page 28 .