Fall 2021 Newsletter_Digital | Page 7

Donate today online at www . wshs-dg . org

Hearty Thanks !

Asprey of Downers Grove made and held a summer slime sale . She donated the proceeds of $ 100 to the adoption center .
Beth Kennelly of Chicago made beautiful crocheted blankets and donated a wagon full of them to the adoption center .
Oliver and Georgie had a lemonade stand and donated $ 20 to the animals at the adoption center .
Lucy , Parker , Caden , and Ivy sold lemonade and popsicles on the Prairie Path in Elmhurst . They donated the proceeds of $ 163 to the adoption center .
Naila of Glen Ellyn made blankets and dog and cat toys for the animals at the adoption center .
Declan , Jax , Elle , and Tommy had a lemonade stand and donated $ 36 to the adoption center .
Audrey and Givlia of Downers Grove had a lemonade stand and donated $ 10 to the adoption center .
Grace donated some cat food and cat toys in honor of her half birthday .
Caitlyn of Woodridge turned seven and asked for donations for the animals instead of gifts for her . She donated food , toys , and supplies .
North Catherine Street Kids had a lemonade stand and donated $ 35 to the adoption center .
Aspery Oliver & Georgie Lucy , Parker , Caden , Ivy Declan , Jax , Elle , Tommy Grace Caitlyn

Emails and Letters from Adopters

Hi ! Thanks for the email ! Miss Luna is doing well and we are all enjoying her very much . Our other rescue , Zeke , and her have become fast friends ! We will for sure stay in touch and give any positive reviews that we can ! We had a wonderful experience !
Thanks again , Amy
Longfellow is doing great . He ’ s made himself quite comfortable in the bedroom and we ’ re going to slowly get some more familiarity with my girl cat . He ’ s such a sweet boy – I woke up to him rubbing his head all over my foot today .
Facebook – now Peggoty – is doing great . He loves to goof off , help me open packages , and charge after his little toy mouse . He and 12 year old Buttons eat side-by-side and don ’ t fight but they have yet to snuggle up together . I ’ m sure that will come . Picture of Peggoty asleep on my knee .
Thanks for letting us have him ! Brigid .
Just wanted to send a few pics of Huck on a pontoon ride . He loves boat rides and swimming and also loves sitting on a deck chair being a tall dog !