CARES Act Makes It Easier To
Give And Get Back
by Nicole Cannon
Director of Development, Autism Connection of PA
Last March, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (“CARES Act”) was passed, as an emergency relief bill aimed at providing relief to the American people and businesses in response to the coronavirus. In addition to facilitating direct financial relief to affected nonprofit organizations, the CARES Act also creates charitable giving incentives for donors to 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations like The Autism Connection of PA, including donors who do not traditionally itemize their deductions. Here is how:
If you are someone who does not itemize on your taxes:
You can include $300 in charitable contributions to the Autism Connection to as an above-the-line deduction for your 2020 taxes, which means you don’t have to itemize other items to claim this deduction (Section 2204 of the CARES Act ).
If you are someone who itemize on your taxes:
The cap for giving has been increased from 60% of adjusted gross income to 100% for your 2020 taxes (Sections 2205 of the CARES Act). By making a donation before the end of this year to the Autism Connection, you can receive a beneficial impact on your taxes.
Learn more about the CARES Act and how this can impact your charitable giving by speaking to your tax professional.
Please consider donating to the Autism Connection of PA as we continue to work to be a lifeline and hub for everything autism.