Fall 2020 | Page 36

MONTGOMERY CATHOLIC SENIORS GET CELEBRATED IN THEIR OWN HOMES A train of cars led by a big yellow bus and a small white bus filled with Montgomery Catholic Preparatory School faculty recently rolled through neighborhoods throughout the River Region, delivering yard signs to recognize each of the 80 members of the senior class. The students, who have been at home for distance learning since March, have missed out on several spring events that recognize seniors and their achievements in academics, sports, and clubs. ACA WELCOMES JOSH ROBERTS AS NEW ASSOCIATE HEAD OF SCHOOL Josh Roberts has been named the new Associate Head of School at Alabama Christian Academy (ACA). Josh formerly served as the Dean of Students, Diversity & Inclusion at Auburn University Montgomery, the Dean of Student Development at Lipscomb University, and as an administrator at Faulkner University. Prior to his career in education administration, he was an attorney focusing on education law, representing dozens of schools and Boards of Education in litigation and mediation. BTW HONORS SENIORS WITH DRIVE- THROUGH CAP AND GOWN PICKUP Booker T. Washington Magnet High seniors had a drive-through cap and gown pickup in order to follow social distancing guidelines, and faculty members were there to greet them. They came in shifts according to last name to ensure safety. The PTSA decorated and gave each student a personalized yard sign to commemorate their accomplishment. A representative from the BTW Alumni Association was also there to encourage and support the seniors. L8 | Fall 2020 www.potentialmagazine.com