Fall 2020 | Page 34

SAINT JAMES SOPHOMORE INVITED TO CAPSTONE LEADERSHIP ACADEMY Saint James Sophomore Haley Brightwell was nominated by the Saint James high school faculty and selected by the University of Alabama Capstone Council to attend a two-day leadership conference in Tuscaloosa, March 5th and 6th, the Capstone Leadership Academy (CLA). During the conference, students participated in leadershipbuilding roundtables and worked on collaborative projects and presentations with other CLA attendees. MA STUDENT ACCEPTED TO GOVERNOR’S SCHOOL Junior Brystol Habermacher has been accepted to the Alabama Governor’s School at Samford University. The Alabama Governor’s School provides academic, creative, and leadership experiences for a limited number of rising high school seniors who have demonstrated exceptional ability and achievement in their studies. TALLASSEE NAMES NEW HIGH SCHOOL & MIDDLE SCHOOL PRINCIPALS Tallassee City Board of Education has named Chet Stewart to take over the reins for Tallassee High School and Tim Collier to take over the reins at Southside Middle School. Chet Stewart, no stranger to Tallassee High School began his administrative career in Tallassee as the Assistant Principal thirteen years ago. Tim Collier, a 1989 Tallassee High School graduate has been named Principal at Southside Middle School. EASTWOOD STUDENT NAMED CLT DISTINGUISHED SCHOLAR Junior Josie Powe was named “Distinguished Scholar;” by the Classic Learning Test (CLT) based on her scores from the most recent CLT10, given to all tenth graders at Eastwood. L6 | Fall 2020 www.potentialmagazine.com