Fall 2020 Rice Today | Page 2

Does your money need a professional trainer ?

The right coach can help an athlete reach his or her goals . The same can be said of your finances . With guidance from a Financial Advisor , you can follow a path of fiscal responsibility and create a strategy that can help you maximize the potential of your investments .
As a Morgan Stanley Financial Advisor , I can work with you to develop a goals based strategy , and adjust it to help you manage your investments and assets now and through the years to come . Call me to arrange a meeting , and let ’ s work toward a stronger future .
Tabb Wile Senior Portfolio Manager Executive Director Financial Advisor 34901 Woodward Ave , Suite 300 Birmingham , MI 48009 248-258-1786 tabb . wile @ morganstanley . com
The appropriateness of a particular investment or strategy will depend on an investor ’ s individual circumstances and objectives . © 2019 Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC . Member SIPC . FAS009 CRC 2639337 08 / 19 CS9370440 09 / 18