Fall 2020 October 2020 Blue Umbrella | Page 3

Back To School Tips

By Rebecca G .
Getting back to school can be a little rough , especially when projects start flowing in on top of quizzes and tests . To help make this school year less stressful , here are the top 10 back to school tips .
1 . Start school early . Starting school early in the morning can help you finish sooner . This can also give you more free time after school to do projects , study , or even have some time to read and do other things .
2 . Study for your tests and quizzes at least a day in advance . Studying for tests and quizzes helps you to improve grades and remember concepts . Instead of studying at the last minute , take time to study a day or two in advance .
3 . Work on projects while completing the lessons and quizzes within the unit . Do you struggle with falling behind because of projects ? Do you always think there ? s plenty of time , until you realize that there isn ? t ? Try starting a project at the beginning of a new unit , and working on it a little each day , ensures that it can be finished on time .
4 . Don ? t get overwhelmed or too stressed . Getting stressed over schoolwork can happen often , especially when projects are overdue , lessons are getting slacked , and everything piles up . When there are stressful moments with school or life in general , praying , going on a walk , or even just taking a break can help to relieve your stress and tension .
5 . Take breaks after every couple subjects . Taking a break to stretch will help relieve your stiff muscles and refresh your mind .
6 . Start with the day with harder courses . It ? s easy to start with the easiest course and save the hardest for last , but starting with the most difficult subject will give you some extra time to finish it .
7 . Create a schedule . Creating a schedule to set certain times for each course is very helpful . Set a certain amount of time , like a half an hour or an hour , to finish a lesson by , will help you to stay on track .
8 . Start each school day , even every day , with a prayer . Praying to God and asking Him for guidance and wisdom throughout the day is a wonderful thing to do . He helps every one of His children , which you are His child , through each day .
9 . Take notes . It ? s super helpful to take notes through a lesson on the reading material ; taking notes on things that are not easy to remember is also helpful .
10 . Always feel free to ask an AOA teacher for help . The teachers at Alpha Omega Academy are here to help students achieve success with their work and understanding within the lessons .
Utilizing these 10 tips will help make your school year the best it can be . I hope you enjoy this school year more than you ever have before .

School News 3