Fall 2020 Gavel-FINAL | Page 4




TONY J . WEILER SBAND Executive Director
The recent pandemic has created uncertain and unprecedented times for all of us , both personally and professionally . Here at SBAND , we have had to adjust our office schedules accordingly but have worked diligently to make sure our members didn ’ t see any difference in the services we provide and in how we go about our business . We have been flexible but responsive , and your team at the SBAND office has stepped up while balancing our family obligations , much the same as the members of the bar have had to do . We hope you did not see any difference in the work we do , and in fact , have noticed some positives out of this time of crisis .
We worked very closely with the North Dakota Supreme Court to provide information on Orders that impact the bar and your clients . SBAND provided direct input to the Court on “ issues ” the pandemic created ( and perhaps is still creating ) and received positive and rapid responses from the Court at every turn . We are fortunate in North Dakota to have such a strong and positive working relationship with the Court , and this was certainly evidenced by recent times .
SBAND also worked closely with our state district courts to provide information on changes made in light of the pandemic . While the courts did correspond directly with members of the bar in those districts ,
SBAND was able to help facilitate communication in the specific districts and to the bar in general . We are also fortunate to have strong working relationships with our district courts and the administrators within those districts . We believe the information provided by SBAND through the court system helped our members help their clients navigate the difficult and changing times brought forth by the pandemic .
Further , your board of governors stepped up and led us through a needed change in how we conducted our annual meeting . As many of you know , the annual meeting is one of the best services SBAND provides , and often includes up to 350 member lawyers gathering for education and socializing with their peers . Your board first decided to postpone the annual meeting , then surveyed our members to see whether you would attend in person . When it became clear most members did not feel it would be prudent or safe to attend an in person annual meeting , the board directed my staff and me to pivot to a virtual annual meeting , and to do so in a manner that made it very affordable for you !
SBAND held a six-day 2020 Annual Meeting Webinar Series on consecutive days in July and August via Zoom . Close to 300 lawyers and judges were able to attend the CLE sessions that proved to be very educational and interactive . The best news is our members were able to access a total of total of 10.5 CLE credits ( including 1.5 ethics credits ) for the very low cost of $ 50 ! There were seven total presentations on Legal Marijuana , Hacking Your Brain for Bias , Surveillance for National Security – Federal Authorities and Current Issues and Cyber-Defense and Cyber-Attack - Federal Law , Process , How to Negotiate Anything , Change Management , Cybersecurity , and finally , a United States Supreme Court Roundup focusing on the last and next terms of the Court .
Every annual meeting brings with it change in leadership at SBAND , and Minot attorney Carrie Francis was elected as president for the 2020-21 year . Bismarck Judge Doug Bahr was elected presidentelect . Tonya Duffy and Deb Hoffarth were re-elected to the Southeast and North Central Districts , while Joshua Frey and Jordan Selinger were elected in the Northeast and Southwest Districts .
Because Judge Bahr served on the board from the South Central District , that created an opening that President Francis filled with Bismarck lawyer Paul Myerchin . After serving two years as the secretary / treasurer of SBAND , Pat Ward resigned , and the board named Fargo lawyer Rob Manly to fill the remainder of Ward ’ s twoyear term .
As noted above , the annual meeting brings a change in leadership , and I want to thank Past-President Zack Pelham for his years of service on the board and to SBAND . The role of president can often be thankless , and I have appreciated the work done by all the presidents I ’ ve been privileged to work with . I also want to thank Pat Ward for his service , as well as Judge Michael Hurly from the Northeast and Christina Wenko from the Southwest . All were excellent members of the board who contributed greatly to SBAND ’ s success .
Finally , we are gearing up for the Legislative Session which begins in January 2021 . While it is a bit uncertain as to what format the session will take , be assured your Legislative Committee , your board , and I will be working hard to ensure SBAND is represented when necessary , always keeping in mind our legislative policy that dictates what we can do under Keller v . California . As always , if you ever have any comments , questions , or concerns , let me know .