I had the privilege of addressing the newest members of our association last month as they took their oaths at the State Capitol . I also attended the UND School of Law Social over homecoming and watched as some of our future lawyers accepted their scholarships for being at the top of their respective classes .
I remember those times so fondly .
We have all been there . We have all felt small in the House chamber . We all remember raising our hands , swearing to uphold the Constitution , to maintain only claims that are just , and to faithfully perform our duties as an Officer of the Court . We stood in line , congratulating each other and taking our turn to add our name to the roll , just like all of the others before us .
As I pondered what advice I could offer these fresh-faced young lawyers , my first thought was , “ ask others .” My parents did , after all , instill a fair amount of humility in me . I knew I didn ’ t know everything . Thankfully , my colleagues in this occupation are smart , responsive , and always willing to help .
Here ’ s their sage advice ( I ’ ve made some edits ):
“ Be especially nice to court staff … Meet with difficult clients in person . Resist the temptation to communicate with difficult people by email , phone , or letter . When you meet in person , you can read your client ’ s body language and you can communicate more clearly in person than through any other manner .” — Mike Williams , Maring Law Office
“ Commit to being a life-long learner . Approach your career and your life with the attitude that all of your experiences are valuable ... Whether your day includes a success or a failure , find a ‘ take away ’ that helps you grow as a lawyer and a person .” — Dean Kathryn Rand , University of North
Dakota School of Law
“ Good physical and mental condition are essential for peak performance as a lawyer . The stress of our profession demands that both be kept in good shape .” — John Olson , Chair of Lawyers Assistance
“ Know when to ask for help . As a young lawyer , I often turned to my legal assistant and paralegals to help me . They had more experience working in the legal profession than I did . They were easier to approach when I had a ‘ dumb question .’” — Kara J . Erickson , Disciplinary Counsel
“ Do your best work , always . If you do that , you will gain a good reputation among judges , other lawyers , and your clients . Also , be civil and professional . You do not need to sacrifice your position , but you may need to agree to disagree .” — Mary Muehlen Maring , Retired Supreme
Court Justice / Mediator
“ Early in your career you will decide whether your predominant approach will be that of a ‘ problem solver ’ or that of a ‘ warrior .’ The world has plenty of warriors already .” — Scott Jensen , Camrud Law Firm
“ Be professional , be a zealous advocate , but also be respectful and professional to opposing counsel . This is important as we practice in such a close-knit community .” — Jennifer Albaugh , YLS Representative to
“ Read 2.8 ( B ) of the North Dakota Rules of Judicial Conduct . This applies to you , too . If you feel that a ‘ scorched earth ’ approach is the appropriate way to represent your client , you are better suited to professional wrestling . All you will do is to make things worse . Instead , you should work on your mediation skills . Sometimes you will need to take the case to trial but , for the sake of your clients , you should try to resolve the dispute .” — A district court judge who preferred to remain anonymous
“ If you are a nice person , be a nice person . You can be a very good and effective attorney without name calling , hiding the ball , or being difficult . Be authentic and true to yourself .” — Deann Pladson , Pladson Law Office
I ’ m so thankful for all the things I ’ ve learned from other lawyers . Pay attention , there is a lesson in everything . You will learn from good lawyers and not so good lawyers . You will learn a lot more from your mistakes than from your successes . If you make a mistake , fess up and correct it . It ’ s ok to apologize . You will not be the first good lawyer to make a mistake or to get caught at it . Be decent and discreet if you catch opposing counsel in an error .
Thank you to all who helped me in this profession and in crafting my speech and now this article . I ’ d echo all those thoughts and also encourage all lawyers , young and old , to be good mentors . Welcome to the club , youngsters !