Falcon Flyer Winter 2022-2023 | Page 18



By: Silvana Safranko




For many years, schools have had the same mandated books that need to be read while in Highschool. These books are all very different and have a wide range of themes and writing styles. Some are as old as Shakespeare and some are from newer generations. Many schools have restricted curriculums, and many books have been banned because of their nature; even if they are sometimes educational. One example of this is the novel Persepolis, which was written by Marjae Satrapi, is a story told about a young girl living through the Islamic Revolution. While these novels that are enjoyed and have influential themes are being banned, plays by Shakespeare remain prominent. Some people have taken a dislike to the old playwright and percieve him to be misogynistic and classist. So, I took a poll and asked students at our highschool what their favorite novels that we read are.

Here are the results:


I haven't read these