Falcon Flyer WINTER 2020-2021 | Page 27

8. What is one message that you would like to convey to Saddle Brook High School/Middle School?

One message Mr. Meisch would want to convey to Saddle Brook High School/Middle School is that he is committed to listening to the students. He wants students to reach out to him and be a part of the changes at the school. Mr. Meisch has an open door policy and wants to hear from the students. If there is an idea to make things better, he wants students to talk to him and he will do what he can to make it happen.

7. What is a fun fact about yourself that other people may not know about you?

A fun fact about Mr. Meisch is that he and his wife are foster parents. They are currently taking care of a foster baby who is 5 months old. Besides this, Mr. Meisch also has an eclectic taste in music. For example, he loves classic and alternative rock but he also loves what would be considered “epic” music. For example, this includes the music in a trailer of a movie or an action scene that doesn’t have any words. Music from the Marvel movies is a good example of this type of music. Mr. Meisch thinks people should check it out and "look it up!”