4 Tips for Returning to a Normal Social Life
Even though you might not want to leave your room, this is how we socialize once the world opens up.
3. Brainstorm better excuses.
In time, responding to an invitation you don’t want to accept with “Wait, you want to do that in a pandemic???” will no longer be socially acceptable. Eventually, you’ll need to come up with better excuses. Here are some of my favorites:
“I have so much schoolwork to do and
it’s not going to procrastinate itself.”
“Sorry, I have to work on Sunday!”
(Don’t try this one if you work at either a school or Chick-fil-A.)
“I already have plans! Me and her and him are going to the place
to do the thing.” Super convincing.
4. Wear pants.
This one is self-explanatory.